Water heaters


New Member
Stupid question... Do you have to add water to your water heater manually? This guy at work said he had a leak last night because he added too much water to his water heater and I never knew you had to do that.

I wonder if it's just an old heater and that's why... But since I take really long showers, I always run out of hot water these days now that it's so cold out. If I'm not doing something I should be, I wonder if I could improve that.

What say you?
Um yeah. If this guys was adding water to it, and added too much, I don't think I'd sit next to that guy at lunch anymore. He's weird.

Unless it's some kind of water heater I've never seen, but I have never in my life had to manually add water to a water heater.
Well yeahhhh, but the IN hole has copper pipe soldered to it. And furthermore, wouldn't all the holes automatically become "out" holes once you opened them?? I think they would.
greenfreak said:
Stupid question... Do you have to add water to your water heater manually?

No, that's automatic, or at least it should be.
The water heater is the only thing that hasn't broken down at least once in this house.


Uh oh, I spoke too soon... *starts swimming through the basement* :D
Q said:
Well yeahhhh, but the IN hole has copper pipe soldered to it. And furthermore, wouldn't all the holes automatically become "out" holes once you opened them?? I think they would.

I've tested that theory, and you are correct.
This guy was told by his landlord to do it... I guess they gots problems with it and haven't fixed it or their real problem is that they *shouldn't* be doing it!

Ok, I'm glad because I had never heard of such a thing. Thanks everyone! :)

Oh and I make an effort *not* to be close to this guy PT. He's a real winner, I have to say. He was who I was thinking of when I said,
"They take minimally stressful situations and blow them out of proportion daily. Hell, hourly. You think they would get out of this line of business if it's so bad? Think they see a therapist? No. They just depend on the drugs and when they stop working for them, they get a higher dosage."
in the "are you happy" thread.
The reason your water heater runs out of hot water when you take a shower is because when you use hot water, it draws the water from the water heater, which results in the hot water in the heater being replaced by cold water. When the water turns cold in your shower, you've used all 40 gallons that were heated already, and it hasn't had time to heat up the new 40 gallons yet. That problem is exacerbated in the winter because the water coming in is colder, so it takes longer to heat up.
Newer tanks (like the one I installed) have the inlet at the bottom and the output at the top. That way, the water stratifies and you don't have new cold water chilling the already heated water. And you get 35 hot gallons out of a 40 gallon tank, instead of 20 lukewarm gallons.

I noticed one helluva difference.
It's not clear to me. I still want to know how you manually add water to it.?(
dan said:
greenie, you have read bofh - right??

:confbang: No idea what yer talkin aboot.

Q, the guy said the water heater is kinda transparent so you can see the water level and that he just has to look at the level to see what the water is at. The more I think about it, the more I think there's a problem with it and they just never fixed it. :shrug: