Waterboarding was okay in 2002

I know a lot of rock bands (Twisted Sister and W.A.S.P. come instantly to mind) have sent copies of their CDs to our soldiers deployed overseas to use for this very purpose. I remember Dee Snider talking about sending Twisted Sister CDs to tank drivers to blare over the external speakers or on convoy vehicles to annoy enemy combatants. Blackie Lawless did the same thing, saying he felt proud knowing that the terrorists were being driven batty to the tune of his music. I thought it was hilarious then, and I think this is hilarious now.
gee, perhaps the US should just drop leaflets with pics of blackie in the sawblade codpiece... that might make 'em surrender instantly.
gee, perhaps the US should just drop leaflets with pics of blackie in the sawblade codpiece... that might make 'em surrender instantly.

We did that with B-52's during the war...only with 500LB bombs instead of pictures...We had people surrendering who weren't even targeted...:lol2:
and blackie has more power than a 500lb bomb. especially in the spark-shooting codpiece. though we might need to drop video discs for them to understand the full effect there. or perhaps we could just send over the man himself. maybe we could sober up chris holmes enough so's he could carry blackie's golf clubs.