wc2002: sweden v nigeria

The Maracanã stadium in Rio de Janeiro is known to have contained 120.000+ in several occasions. Too bad teams from Rio are in a bad situation lately and didn't encourage people to achieve even 10.000 on matches in today's days. :D
Originally posted by AlladinSane
The Maracanã stadium in Rio de Janeiro is known to have contained 120.000+ in several occasions.

All seated?? I knew Maracanã has more capacity than Azteca, but the difference is that not all are seated in Maracanã.
Originally posted by Luis G
So is it true all they say about hooligangs ??

Or are they just over-reality to the rest of the world (you know....propaganda)

err, in the prem there is very little problem with fans, some clubs are better than others [ipswich get letters of commendation and thanks with regard to their travelling support from police forces!].
there are problem clubs, or clubs with reputations. millwall, cardiff, leeds united are probably the most notoriuos but a great deal of work has been done to stop hooligans in the uk, and while it's not gone it has receeded a great deal.

it will take a long time for english footy fans to get rid of that reputation, and they have to earn the trust of foreigh clubs and countries.
As usual, it is harder to change a bad reputation, than change a good one.

Or how we say here: Make reputation and go to sleep. (Haz fama y echate a dormir)
Originally posted by Luis G

All seated?? I knew Maracanã has more capacity than Azteca, but the difference is that not all are seated in Maracanã.

I really don't know about that, I also heard on TV they put 180.000 there some time but that was a loooong time ago. New standards are making stadiums smaller and smaller...