We know how fast you type, but how fast do you read?

295wpm, and 63% of comprehension, i got that while chatting with a girl in spanish :D

will do the test later, and post my "real" results.
Holy crap! And english isn't even your native language :eek:

*runs from the super reader Luis G*
460, 91%
oh yea :D

edit: I am REALLY good at skimming in detail - as in, I can skip stuff well withhout missing much real information. I don't know how I got that ability.
*turns around and runs in a different direction*

You're not human! :aliensml:
352 @ 82%. I thought I was better than that damnit.

Nice score Luis.
389 - 100%

It's a suprise I still got the good old short-term memory, guess it only needs to be activated, which I'm too lazy to do most of the time ;)
720 wpm, with 63% comprehension.

Need to be able to speed and skim off in my job!

(I usually get through novels in a couple of hours)
Hehe, you guys are not going to believe this, but, well, I did a number of speed reading courses (up to advanced level). I can do 2,400 words per minute with 95% comprehension, and I've managed to clock 3,000 words per minute but with only 40% comprehension. Unfortunately it is NOT fun to read at those speeds because you need to stay focussed and concentrate extremely hard. Not to mention your brain is gettting a lot of new information very fast. Not my idea of a relaxing time.

My average speed through novels is about 1,600 words per minute. Through technical books its probably not even 500.

Those speeds are about 7 months old, and only valid for English (my second language). The speed of the rest of the languages I can read is nowhere near that of English.
did it again.

315wpm @ 73%, i guess that's my english top speed.
You read at 3057 words per minute.

Your comprehension is 91%.
You got 10 correct answers out of 11.

Please write down or remember your comprehension rate, then click here to get back to the speed test.

edited at 1054am
I just look at the page and start scrolling down...
You gotta let me in on some of that speed reading stuff, guys, maybe if I take it I could keep up with all the spam here :eek: