We want your soul


Your soul is worth £10510. For your peace of mind, 77% of people have a purer soul than you.

Oh well :p

Guess I'm not as innocent as I pretend to be :p
"Your soul is worth £33724. For your peace of mind, 23% of people have a purer soul than you."

Hmmm is those good things or bad things?
Only 23% of people?? Wow, I feel so dirty.
I like it. heh.
Your soul is worth £8173. For your peace of mind, 85% of people have a purer soul than you.

super impure....still not 100% yet tho [/Prince of Darkness in Training]
steweygrrrr said:
super impure....still not 100% yet tho [/Prince of Darkness in Training]

You didn't actually fill it in did you.
You just clicked to get a result :D

Me :

Your soul is worth £20781. For your peace of mind, 46% of people have a purer soul than you.
OH hell, if there is a hell, I'm going there.Your soul is worth £5355. For your peace of mind, 93% of people have a purer soul than you.
Arris said:
You didn't actually fill it in did you.
You just clicked to get a result :D

Me :

Your soul is worth £20781. For your peace of mind, 46% of people have a purer soul than you.
:lol: No mI just clicked that I regulalry eat at Mcdonalds and own something made by microsoft :lol2:
I already sold mine.

I was sitting on the side of the road, on my guitar case, out in the country. The devil rode up in a black mustang. He offered me the chance to play the guitar. I took him up on it.

But, I got the short end of the deal. I forgot to ask him to make sure I can play it well.