Weapons of Mass Destruction

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Sorry Bub. You seem to have forgotten an MSN chat we had long ago when you told me you use this alt. :shrug:
You my delusional friend, have are making up your facts as you go. Not that facts matter to you.

Who do you think I am? Can you state the name of this banned person?

...or is this some common knowledge that everyone knows; in that case you shouldn't have any problem stating the name of the person which you chatted with on MSN which revealed to you that I was their alter-ego.

I will then show you the unrefutable truth, which I am sure you can't handle because it won't fit in your fragile world.
in other words:

This dog don't hunt

You have made the point that I am someone else, but you can't support in any way.

I can see you are a man* of integrity* and are skilled* in the art of debate*.

* - according to the antonymic dictionary.
I gotta say...after a whole lotta lurking for a whole lotta time...afaik ResearchMonkey is legit.
Oz said:
My mother? Nah, she ran off before I was born :(

Sorry to hear that Oz, if it were today your mothers could have been married and given you a stable and happy home life.


Your witty way of saying "I have nothing" rings loud and clear.

I think thats prolly best for you to add me to your "I can't stand the truth list". I tend to slap little boys like you around too much. Your fragile mind can't handle the facts I will confront you with. None of what you have learned at the DU can with-stand debate.

Have a nice psychotic episode.
ResearchMonkey said:
Sorry to hear that Oz, if it were today your mothers could have been married and given you a stable and happy home life.


For second there I thought we might have a good 'un...

look......if you are gonna throw insults around then at least make them witty, original and flow :eh:

You'd already used the "mothers" theme, which was ok.....although they may have been a quibble as I'd started in reference to your own dear maternal parent. But we can let that slide as you seem to be either a newbie itching for a fight.......or a fuckwit who has already been banned once :)

Then I offered "my mother ran off before I was born.......which should have given you huge openings for questioning my legitimacy, child hatred, unwanted pregnancy (in this case me).........and it contained a subtle joke, if you read the line right :)

But no.......you had to continue with your "mothers" theme...which may have raised a wry smile the first time you used it.......but maybe not the second, a joke only bares repeating a number of times :) Keep it original and look for new material from your fellow posters :)


I'm afraid if wit was shit........you'd be constipated :(
I'm sorry Oz for not responding like you had wanted me too. I'm funny like that, I can stay on focus. (you must be broadcasting your thoughts on a different brain-wave)

You missed the subtle switch from uni-maternal to homogeneous marriage which I am sure you support.

I have no reason or desire to question your legitimacy, I am almost sure you are illegitimate or an accident, at least in 20/20 hindsight.

You are however much closer at figgerin' out who I am than your friend that remembers chatting with me on MSN, when I revealed myself as an alternative identity. I am a old-timer, not a newbie, that has been invited to join in the fight against tyranny and sedition.


I appreciate the observation. I have watched you too for longer than you may aware of. I have seen many of the innuendos, games, and excapades you've participated in here and over at XIbase. And if may be so bold, we may have crunched some seti together, although I wouldn't bet the farm on that.
Assuming I'm only on part-time ignore...

Squiggy said:
no imminent threat = No reason to attack.

We've been here. He never said that. If he did, I missed it & would truly enjoy seeing the quote.
The WMD's that we seek is part of why we are there, US law requires us to be there.

I dont really understand what left is saying at this point, I don't know that they do either.

I guess if you have watched alot of movies imminent threat is only when the bombs clock gets under 00:07:00 minutes.
ResearchMonkey said:
And if may be so bold, we may have crunched some seti together, although I wouldn't bet the farm on that.
hmm...unless I've
really lost it, and I wouldn't be all that surprised really to find out that I have...I don't recall ever having gotten into SETI. :lloyd:
Gonz said:
Assuming I'm only on part-time ignore...

We've been here. He never said that. If he did, I missed it & would truly enjoy seeing the quote.
haven't I shown you that link to that clip enough yet? :p
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