Web trouble


Well-Known Member
Is anyone else having trouble with the web today? I can access her and Cato's, but yahoo, dodge, and fully half the other sites I frequent are timing out on me.
My cable internet is down at home. I called and the pre-person recording said they knew of the outage in my area and said they had technicians working on it. I ended up bringing my laptop to the office (it's so much faster to render web pages, even on a wireless B connection, it's not even funny).
Funny you should mention DNS, the ISP that handles our DNS had major problems earlier this week too. They switched half of our MX records to some random A record, so we were missing half of our e-mail coming in.
Finally got internet at home again... the techie told me the cable modem was bad... I thought it was a load of horseshit so I went and got another one and kept the receipt. The new one wouldn't work either... then I tried taking the surge protector out of the equation, then the splitter (now my office TV isn't hooked up) and finally got it to work. So I don't know if it was a bad modem, a bad splitter or a bad cable.
I've got a signal booster. You have to tune them for TV (too strong is as bad or worse than too weak). They finally upgraded my area and I don't need it anymore.

Edit: I needed it for digital cable, my internet service never seemed to have been affected either way.
I needed the booster for the cable modem in one house I lived in a few years back. I am using a booster now on my dig. cable box as well (video was "skipping" before putting in the booster.)
I had a booster at the old apartment (I had cable internet and three TVs all splitting off one line coming in with a fairly weak signal to begin with). The signal's a lot stronger at the place I'm at now.

The bummer with the booster is that if the power goes out, so does the cable... and considering I've got the cable modem and the wireless router plugged into the battery backup, which along with the main computer and main monitor use up all the battery backup plugs, that could be a major bummer.