*wedding bells*

Best determiner is to lean back and let it fully drop and have someone measure it for you. Got a tape measure handy? :) A rough guestimate from what I see would have you at 29-30 inches.
yeah - but ku'u's hair weighs like 50 pounds! I'm serious! It's heavy and hard to braid ..
my ahir was super long too

I chopped like 13-14 inches off and it was still below my chin
Nixy said:
my ahir was super long too

I chopped like 13-14 inches off and it was still below my chin

Like this you mean? Mines now about 6 inches long at the most - I chopped it off when I seperated from my ex. It was an act of defiance - he liked it long. :)

It only reached the small of my back here, before I cut it off I could sit on it - Ouch! It grows like a weed about an inch a month. I have to have it cut every six weeks or it looks terrible. :(


16_4_93.jpg, 35.71kb

So many men I've talked to about this say that the rule is the longer the hair the better. How many men don't like short hair? Rusty likes my hair short. I just cut three inches off the other night and when I came into work, one of the guys said, "You broke the cardinal rule! No cutting of the hair!!" So when I asked him, honestly, whether he thought it looked better long but pulled back every day or short and down, he said short and down. :p
I prefer mine short, it's much easier to look after. You don't realise just how heavy or hot it is until you loose it. That was such an uplifting experience.:)
greenfreak said:
So many men I've talked to about this say that the rule is the longer the hair the better. How many men don't like short hair? Rusty likes my hair short. I just cut three inches off the other night and when I came into work, one of the guys said, "You broke the cardinal rule! No cutting of the hair!!" So when I asked him, honestly, whether he thought it looked better long but pulled back every day or short and down, he said short and down. :p

You were wearing it short and down at the time, no? Simply proves that Rusty ain't stupid.
I personally like short hair, my wifes is shorter than mine at the moment. Although flowing tresses do have a certain appeal too.
HomeLAN said:
greenfreak said:
So many men I've talked to about this say that the rule is the longer the hair the better. How many men don't like short hair? Rusty likes my hair short. I just cut three inches off the other night and when I came into work, one of the guys said, "You broke the cardinal rule! No cutting of the hair!!" So when I asked him, honestly, whether he thought it looked better long but pulled back every day or short and down, he said short and down. :p

You were wearing it short and down at the time, no? Simply proves that Rusty ain't stupid.

I think the guy at work said that to her....not Rusty.... :)

Aunty Em: Mine was about that long, yeah. I have a pic at home that shows it really well. I'll try to scan it when I go there in a few weeks.

I am SO glad I cut it off. I think it's SO much better. Plus now I've got it dyed a reddie colour with blonde highlights (as apposed to the dark brown it is natually) and I LOVE it! :)
Nixy said:
Plus now I've got it dyed a reddie colour with blonde highlights (as apposed to the dark brown it is natually) and I LOVE it! :)

SNAP! That's my colour now. I was a blonde as a child but it went to a light brown as I got older - Yuk! My mother was brunette. Red suits my personality more. :D

One day I will have to tone it down but not until I start going grey which if I follow my parents pattern won't be before I'm at least 55. My dad was only just turning grey when he died aged 62. :)
HomeLAN said:
greenfreak said:
So many men I've talked to about this say that the rule is the longer the hair the better. How many men don't like short hair? Rusty likes my hair short. I just cut three inches off the other night and when I came into work, one of the guys said, "You broke the cardinal rule! No cutting of the hair!!" So when I asked him, honestly, whether he thought it looked better long but pulled back every day or short and down, he said short and down. :p

You were wearing it short and down at the time, no? Simply proves that Rusty ain't stupid.

Nixy's right, it was a guy at work who said that. But Rusty has always told me the truth and given me his honest opinion-whether I liked it or not. :) When my hair was long, he told me he liked it shorter too. Sometimes a woman does want to be lied too but I usually say "tell me what I want to hear" before I ask him a question if that's the case. :D

Auntie Em, you're so right about the weight too. I'm sure Ku'u's neck muscles are much stronger than mine at this point. :D