Wedding plans moving right along

greenfreak said:
Thanks hon. :) You know, I don't know if that's allowed... For me to show you what I look like in the dress before the wedding. Maybe just pictures of the dress will have to do!

Hey, you're not going to marry me ;)
I picture yourself in a wedding dress and all I can say is OMG :eek2: I bet you look just gorgeous.
Luis G said:
Hey, you're not going to marry me ;)
I picture yourself in a wedding dress and all I can say is OMG :eek2: I bet you look just gorgeous.

I picture her out of the wedding dress ... :fap:
Leslie said:
Plans do nothin lol.

Our country club caught fire 2 days before the wedding. I watched it here, 3 hours away, and flipped out and phoned down and made my (local to there) then-brother-in-law/firefighter call his cronies and find out wtf right in the middle of the fire. That sucked.

The ballroom survived, but it reeked, and there was caution tape everywhere. *sigh*

You just have to set your head for there to be major monster failures, and be ready to laugh. And if nothing happens, then that is just a really happy surprise.

defentaly an omen

make sure the guy doing the wedding is normal, my wedding was stopped 3 times, the preist was a nutball
Omg Les, that's horrible. I can't imagine what that must have been like! Shit, I hope nothing like that happens with us!

Just yesterday I saw this on our local news station (this place is fairly close to where I live) about a dress shop going out of business:

A crowd of nervous brides-to-be shouted, whistled and clapped as Tynesha Hamilton, 27, walked out of a dark Patchogue bridal store yesterday wearing a smile and carrying a white satin dress in her arms.

Hamilton, of Patchogue, was one of about 30 women who waited up to five hours yesterday outside Bridal Suite, a wedding-attire company that shut down earlier this week. The customers, some who said they were getting married within a week, had ordered their dresses months earlier. All said they'd paid a deposit of half the cost. Only a handful got their dresses.

Hamilton, who placed her order last August and paid a $374 deposit, said her dress was scheduled to arrive in June. She still hadn't received her dress when she heard a news report Tuesday night that the bridal store had closed.

"I couldn't sleep all night," said Hamilton, whose wedding is Sept. 10. "I was absolutely shocked."

Kathy Drew, 32, wasn't as fortunate. The Holtsville bride, who took time off work to wait four hours with her fiance, Denis Karcic, and two bridesmaids, met with two former store employees who voluntarily helped out yesterday, only to leave without knowing if her dress had even been ordered.

"I imagined a limo breaking down but I never expected problems with the dresses," said Drew, who ordered 10 dresses in April for her Oct. 8 wedding.

Karcic, 33, of West Hempstead, said an employee who had been laid off called him and other customers earlier this week to warn them the store would soon close due to financial problems. He told them the water and electricity had already been shut off, Karcic said.

The two former employees used flashlights to talk with customers two at a time and kept the doors locked. They declined to comment.

Beatrice Piccola, the owner, posted an unsigned letter on the front door, saying she had retired early due to "unforeseen circumstances beyond my control." Piccola opened Bridal Suite in 1985.

Bridal Suite is working with Wedding Center in Commack to complete the pending orders. Bob, the owner of Wedding Center who did not want his last name identified, said roughly 200 customers are waiting on the status of their gowns.
I paid for my dress in full and it should be in by November 1st, when I take it home with me. I'm not taking any more chances than I have to.
Just like I said, gf, just plan that stuff like that will happen, and when it doesn't it's just a pleasant surprise :D

We were able to laugh about it a couple weeks later...most of what *could* happen is not such a big deal when it's all over and done with.
Hamilton, of Patchogue, was one of about 30 women who waited up to five hours yesterday outside Bridal Suite, a wedding-attire company that shut down earlier this week. The customers, some who said they were getting married within a week, had ordered their dresses months earlier. All said they'd paid a deposit of half the cost. Only a handful got their dresses.

Classy tux rental did the same up here.
It's not just the bride's dress too in a lot of cases, it's the bridesmaids and the flower girl and sometimes the mother of the bridge. What the hell do you do? Scramble to get something off the rack, altered and cleaned, all within a week or so of the wedding for all those people? I'd totally lose it.
Finally got pictures of the dress uploaded. The lighting isn't the best because taking a flash picture of a white satin dress is not easy so I had to work with the available light.


The gown is strapless. The white straps you see at the top are only to hold it on the hanger. This isn't the actual dress; mine is on order and will be much less wrinkled for the wedding!

The skirt puffs out much more than this, when I have the "slip" on underneath it. Can't really do much when it's on a hanger. :shrug:

Closeup of the bodice:


Closeup of the embroidery on the skirt:


And finally, the exterior of Coe Hall Mansion, where the reception will be. This is the circular driveway and the entry.

Haven't gotten that yet. I'm partial to lace but Rusty likes satin so if I find something in-between, that would be great.

And you will see pictures of me in my gown. Around July of next year. :D
aw gf that's gorgeous! You're going to be beautiful in that!

*runs to the sobbing room*
Damn, aren't you two married & divorced yet?

Fly to Vegas, say I Do, spend some money (you've already fulfilled your nuptual necessitites), fly home & use all this time & money on something a Ferrari.
By the time we get married, we will have been together 7 years. I know a whole lot of people who have met, married, and divorced in that amount of time. Taking our time getting to this point has worked for us. And meeting each other at the tail end of our 20-something personality changes helped a lot too. If I had met Rusty 5 years earlier than I did, things would have been a lot different.

And I am too much of a romantic to ever consider eloping in Vegas. Ugh. :sick:
Quick! What did the Vegas wedding chapel minister tell the watermelon and honeydew melon when they tried to get married?
