'Wedgie' Added to Webster's Dictionary


Well-Known Member
CLEVELAND - Wedgie, a teenager's locker-room nightmare, has made it into the dictionary. Webster's New World College Dictionary based in Cleveland said wedgie was among its new additions to its latest edition.

The new edition will carry this listing: wedgie: noun. a prank in which the victim's undershorts are jerked upward so as to become wedged between the buttocks.

The dictionary also carries the tradition wedgie definition of a type of shoe.

"`Wedgie' was always a part of the high school terminology that you sort of never thought about later," said Editor in Chief Michael Agnes.

"It never really entered the mainstream until the '90s. It broke out of high school and, boy — if you don't know what it is, you're absolutely at a loss."

The new edition will reach bookstores by May and has 58 new entries, plus another 20 new senses of existing words (such as wedgie).

The additions include Al Qaeda, blog, cargo pants, irritable bowel syndrome and partial-birth abortion.

And the english language takes another step backwards.

Leslie said:
The only one I have an issue with is blog.

I mean ,how lazy are people getting when the can't put the "we" in front :rolleyes:.I could see if it was a huge word or sumthin,but its only 6 friggin' letters.
A.B.Normal said:
I mean ,how lazy are people getting when the can't put the "we" in front :rolleyes:.I could see if it was a huge word or sumthin,but its only 6 friggin' letters.

Not to mention that "Diary" has been good enough for centuries.
blog (blog) n 1. An online journal of the author's daily activities and thoughts, often made public for all to see. 2. A total and complete waste of time. 3. Among the most self-serving notions conceived by mortal man.

Or something like that...
Professur said:
Not to mention that "Diary" has been good enough for centuries.

Diaries are private, weblogs are not,the whole fasination with them seems to be the facelessness of writing out your innermost "private"thoughts yet knowing absolutely everyone can read them :alienhuh:The fact that others actually spend their time pouring over the drivel is even more disturbing IMO.
A.B.Normal said:
Diaries are private, weblogs are not,the whole fasination with them seems to be the facelessness of writing out your innermost "private"thoughts yet knowing absolutely everyone can read them :alienhuh:The fact that others actually spend their time pouring over the drivel is even more disturbing IMO.

Private diaries are a modern innovation. Previously, they were memoires and journals of your life. Since paper was so expensive, writing for noone to read wasn't done.