Weird little Christmas Gifts


Well-Known Member

You'll have to get up when this little baby starts, because it takes off and flies round the room, making a really annoying noise like a mosquito,
so you'll have to find it first, before you can turn it off. Even if you hit the snooze button, it will take off again, so it will undoubtedly get you out of bed, though of course it might smash the place up a bit before you catch it, and if you sleep with the windows open you might find yourself running round the garden in your jimjams (no way to wake up) and may frighten the neighbourhood dogs.

There's also a slight danger that if you are a really heavy sleeper, and the things flies around the room without waking you up, eventually it will run out of juice, so it could wake you up by dropping on an exposed body part, such as the head, though I suppose you'd at least be awake. Or unconscious, possibly!

However it's a terrific fun item, and has already won a technology design award for its innovation and flair and makes a neat gift for anyone who has trouble getting out of the old pit in the mornings.


Turn your engine room into the sexiest place in the world with this under-bed lighting package that will ooze ambience and shout your intentions loud and clear.
Your Most Important Room will look like a classic low-rider car conversion, and you'll never need to stub your toe in the dark as you fumble your way to the loo, either. It gives a 360-degree light-cast across the floor and the skirting boards, which is enough to provide visibility without keeping you awake. Unnecessarily.

The light comes from 14 extra-bright LEDs that cost virtually nothing to operate and last up to 10 years. There's also a dimmer switch and 6-foot cord.

Or this puppy

The e-Puppy will read you your email and word documents! It also allows you to hear internet radio and music! The built in microphone allows you to record messages and notes. The e-Puppy also has a LED on its stomach for E-Mail notification. The e-Puppy is easy to operate, with its simple buttons and user interface.
Of course..I want this one for work :)

Nobody remembers who started it. Perhaps that guy from HR lobbed a wadded up piece of paper over the cube wall at you? It could have been one of those accounting dudes with the marshmallow-gun. It doesn't matter, now. You are armed.

The USB Missile Launcher is the latest desktop weapons platform that elevates your status from mere code-monkey or BOFH Sysadmin to a true Digital Dictator. Laugh maniacally while you zero in on your unsuspecting target. Rain down foam punishment upon him with a click of the mouse. Watch as, one by one, three spring-loaded missiles arc 5 to 8 feet gracefully to your quarry. Giggle girlishly at the realistic sound effects with every launch.

This launcher can pivot 180 degrees horizontally, and 45 degrees up. Controlled by the included PC software, point the missiles at your foe, and press the big red shiny delicious button on screen. FOOM.

The USB Missile Launcher stands approximately seven inches high, is gunmetal grey, with three white foam spring-loaded missiles on top. It requires 3 AA batteries, which are included. Also includes PC Software (currently Windows XP only, but there is third party software available 'out there' for Mac and Linux).

* Weapons of Much Distraction.