Welcome, FluerVanderloo

FluerVanderloo said:
Awwwww thankies Oz!!!! I am forever in your debt, therefore I shall be your slave for eternity *bows*

I should throw this karma stuff around more often! ;)

yw fluer :lloyd:
FluerVanderloo said:
Now I wouldn't go doing that....not everyone is quite like me :) In this case, not so quick to be commiting themselves to eternal slavery. :D

Erm, I don't really need a slave ta fluer...........

Glad I was sober when I spotted this thread again...
FluerVanderloo said:
Very well....just let me know when you do need one :) I'm hyper....and tired....and high on paint for the third night in a row.

As soon as I need a slave..........yer'll be the first to know :swing:
FluerVanderloo said:
I feel so....loved lol

You'll find I'm very opinionated, and I love to rant about things I disagree with. If I know a lot about the topic in question, you can bet your ass I'll argue my point to the very end :)

Otherwise, I'm very sweet and enjoy long walks on the beach :lol2:

What a coincidence. No, really. *phanwink*

Anyway, we wouldn't expect anything less.

Although, "anything less" always comes from me. I'm just the dullboy.