welcome nnewton!


Well-Known Member
Thread note by fury - this thread was split off from the one in the Lobby due to most of the posts being KK material

*throws rock at Vortex, who is lying on the floor*
Hurt the cripple!
*fights off Altron*

*helps Vortex up.*

*holds Altron so Vortex can pummel him*
PuterTutor said:
*fights off Altron*

*helps Vortex up.*

*holds Altron so Vortex can pummel him*
Awww!! That's the sweetest thing anyone has done for me on this forum...

*gives PuterTutor a kiss on the cheek*

*smiles sweetly*

AS FOR YOU!! :grumpy: Growling at Altron

*kicks Altron in the nuts*

*skips off*

*Lying on the floor*
You cruel witch!
*Sees foot flying towards head*
You wonderful queen, I am so sorry!
Altron said:
*Lying on the floor*
You cruel witch!
*Sees foot flying towards head*
You wonderful queen, I am so sorry!
:rolleyes: cute :lol:

Just one problem, I'm more likely to laugh at someone than kick them when they are down :D :angel:
*realised there was no chance of winnign fight and...
*forgot the word that is supposed to go there ^*
Altron said:
Vortex said:
Altron said:
I knew I was beat as soon as I threw the rock, I just wouldn't admit it.
Eish! Talk about low self - esteem :eek:
Nope, I just know from experience it's impossible for me to win an argument with you :D
*cue evil laughter* Mwhahaha!! It was only a matter of time before you realised that ;) :p
I posted it in the "welcome lightstorm" thread I think.
Ok nnewton, i'm Altron and my evil little friend is Vortex, and we like to get into big arguments like this ^^^^
And she alwyas wins the arguments and makes me call her "Your Majesty Vortex"
Altron said:
I posted it in the "welcome lightstorm" thread I think.
Ok nnewton, i'm Altron and my evil little friend is Vortex, and we like to get into big arguments like this ^^^^
And she alwyas wins the arguments and makes me call her "Your Majesty Vortex"
And don't you forget it ;)

*skips around like an idiot*