Welcome to December

Professur said:
Pics welcomed.

Last thing I'm gonna do is go around the malls and take pics of such things. My delicate senses will be offended no end!

AE - it's not the size of the clothes....it's the size of the wimminz trying to get into them ;)
I don't have to look at fat bottoms in painted-on pants because I don't go Christmas shopping. LOL

The few things I give for Christmas, I either make or buy online. Gave up the live shopping when I found I was spending waaaaaay too much.
The season is wonderful in theory...until one ventures out to partake in the tradition of merriment & revelry, gift giving & receiving & overall warmth towards humanity when big fat wimmins in pink lycra storm the Wal-Mart in search of Elmo Ruxpin & the PLaystation 360 with their 3 stinky whiny screaming brats in tow & the husband mumbling something about Wild Turkey while running up a credit card bill that would shame Bill Gates (and then paying for food with food stamps). Then one wanders to the local festival of lights only to find the fuck behind you hasn't the sense to turn off his/her out of alignment headlights. Trying to stay with the spirit, you go in search of a formerly living tree that costs more than your first car in which to place the years of collected memorabilia of Dale Earnhardt Jr & Santas from unheard of coutries.

Then, just as you truly begin feeling the warmth of the season, the presents get opened & it's all over save the shouting.

Now I'm depressed. Is the retreat ready yet?
HomeLAN said:
Hallelujah. I think I'm gonna let my fingers do the walkin' over my keyboard this year. You simply can't beat having it dropped at your front door.

'cept when it arrives looking like someone did beat it ... with a blunt object. That'll piss on your christmas.
AlphaTroll said:
AE - it's not the size of the clothes....it's the size of the wimminz trying to get into them ;)
Yupyup...shame those pants don't come with a PSI rating! :)

23 shopping days left f'r me... we celebrate at my place on the 24th including the gifting, big-ass supper etc.. Then we repeat the whole thing at my in-laws the very next day.

And like the cat....
[singing] the bloating came back the very next day,
the bloating came back...I thought it was a goner,
but the bloating came back..
it just wouldn't go away! [/singing]

*oh...and to make things interesting. 27 more days until baby-time :D
HAPPY FIRST DAY OF CHEAP ADVENT CHOCOLATE! This year mine is Barbie and it counts down all the way to New Years :D

Oh, and I've already spent an entire month's income on Christmas and I'm not done yet...(btw, an entire month's income is about $170)

But it's all good cause my mom and my brother and my roomie are gonna LOVE what I've got them!
i just have to dust off the credit card and hand it over to her. she likes shopping and doesnt mind the chaos at the malls. i'll hit the stores for her sometime in the next week. shouldnt take more than an hour.
Just finished buying presents for Rusty and three nephews. I have two nieces, one nephew and my parents to still buy for but I can't do any of it online unfortunately.