Welcome tonksy69...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Don't mind the empty beer cans, the duct-taped beanbag chair, or the 13" black and white TV with the foil-wrapped antennae...
Before anyone asks... it wasn't either Tonks or I making up an alt. This is a random entity.

Tonks said she was flattered by the sentiment of 69 and all... but that I would have be willing to share.
unclehobart said:
Before anyone asks... it wasn't either Tonks or I making up an alt. This is a random entity.

Tonks said she was flattered by the sentiment of 69 and all... but that I would have be willing to share.

I checked first. I figured if it was one of you'se guys, you'd've dropped a clue somewhere in the profile.