Well honey, you see...


Southern Discomfort
what happened was...

LONDON (Reuters) - It is the one moment every man wants to get right -- and which London floor-fitter Lefkos Hajji could hardly have got more wrong.

The luckless 28 year-old's dreams of giving his sweetheart, Leanne, 26, the ultimate proposal have literally vanished into thin air.

Hajji, of Hackney, east London, had concealed a $12,000 engagement ring inside a helium balloon. The idea was that she would pop the balloon as he popped the question.

But as he left the shop, a gust of wind pulled the balloon from his hand and he watched the ring -- and quite possibly the affections of his girlfriend -- sailing away over the rooftops.

"I couldn't believe it," he told The Sun newspaper.

"I just watched as it went further and further into the air.

"I felt like such a plonker. It cost a fortune and I knew my girlfriend would kill me."

Hajji spent two hours in his car trying to chase and find the balloon, without success.

"I thought I would give Leanne a pin so I could literally pop the question," he said.

"But I had to tell her the story -- she went absolutely mad. Now she is refusing to speak to me until I get her a new ring."

He is hoping the ring will still turn up.

"It would be amazing if someone found it," he added.

Here's your last chance, dude. Run. Run like the wind. Like the hounds of Hell are on your heels. Cuz any bird who reacts like this is not worth it.
I was at Wal-Mart yesterday and I saw an interesting thing in the kitchen section. It's a ring holder... it sticks to a surface with a suction cup, you put the ring on it and then the topper goes on with a magnetic closure. Good for people whose rings like to slip off when doing the dishes or something. It comes in a bunch of nifty colors, too.
An engagement ring is the definition of it's the thought that counts. If you have the $$ fine, it's the sentiment that is behind it that is worth all the rice in china.
That he'd pay that much to begin with is shocking, and that he'd risk putting it inside a balloon is even more shocking...I say it's his own stupid fault.
Tons of people die to get diamonds and such for these rings. What could be more romantic than that?

"See honey it's a big one, it's 3 carat and also 18 coffins".