Well, I am going out biking.


New Member
Anyone else here bike ? (pedal)

I can spend all day biking offroad on the trails that the boys make with their ATV's.
i need to buy a new one this summer. be cheaper than getting the old one repaired.
Just got in now, did about 7km mainly off road.

The ground is still a bit too went for good off road biking. It really slows you down when you sink into the mud. :p


K62 said:
Just got in now, did about 7km mainly off road.

The ground is still a bit too went for good off road biking. It really slows you down when you sink into the mud. :p



Canadian Tire's still selling that bike?
Depends on the season...its time for me to drag out my bike and give'er a cleaning and maintenance. I usually go biking for 1 - 1 1/2 hours a night (3 night's/week) during the warm months.

I'm on one of these..but with an Anvil frame, tighter shocks and re-visited brakes :D Thinking of changing my gears to 19/24/30, and buying a lighter frame...the Anvil's tough but damn heavy.
Really? How much did you pay for it if you don't mind me asking.

At the walmarts and Canadian tires around here, they don't sell anything half decent.
My bike is the only set of wheels I have. Haven't used it yet this year. When I use it, I stick to the roads, for obvious reasons.


Kinda like this one, only yellow. With a sprinkle of rust.
K62 said:
Really? How much did you pay for it if you don't mind me asking.

At the walmarts and Canadian tires around here, they don't sell anything half decent.
it was only $99, but he's a kid. The adult ones ran between 200 and 400 it seems.
I used to own a Motobecane a long time ago. When I left my first duty station, the bike remained behind. I wonder if it's still there, chained up by the cop shop... :devious: