Well if this ain't stable, dunno what is :D

Forgot Prime 95 was on my server in torture mode since i put it back on :D



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Everyone overclocks. Its become redundant. Be a rebel and underclock. See how low you can throttle your chip. I wan't to see someone post scores of a 2 GHz chip clocked down to like wimpy P2 specs and running without the need for a cooling fan at all. Now thats style.. and utterly unique.
Been there done that :D XP Palomino 1700+ (1.47Ghz) @ 1.33Ghz 1.25v (default is 1.75v) with an Alpha PAL 8045 and no fan or case fans, top temps were 59C loaded and about 51C idle, cousins got that rig now, overclocked to 1.67Ghz with a big delta fan :D. I also did T birds etc.. with the same sink, all were adequately undervolted and stable, my dads got my 1.4 T bird that does 1.8Ghz @ 1.85V in his rig @ 1.53Ghz 1.35V and AX-7 sink with a 80mm pabst @ 5v.
Btw i don't think you can get a Tbred or any socket A chips to PII speeds, lowest is 500MHz @ 5x100, don't know of many boards that allow lower than 100MHz FSB.
Then we need to find a way to crack that and make that suck drop all the way down 486 specs on the fly so I can break out all of my favorite games of ye olden day. I haven't been able to fiddle with them in years because they were based off of raw clock speed. The faster the machine, the faster the gameplay. Once machines hit 100MHz, the sharpest mind and quickest fingers in the world couldn't hope to keep up.
Hey :D ... Blast from the past. I ran about 15 prime benches during my my downtime between the Genome@home and Distributed Folding days. Talk about some serious time between reporting periods ... sheesh. What was that? About 16 days for a 1.2GHz Athy? The Pentium class of machines ran it so much better... I was jealous.
lol, you'd never get a K7 or similar down to 486 speeds, you'd need a 1x multiplier and about 20MHz fsb if you're to take into account architecture advancements and ipc etc..
How about a hack to fake out the internal clock so that you can dial the old school reporting speeds back to an equivalent so that the old games wouldn't be so psycho?
That can help, but it'd never be a true performance, the architecture alone would make it really hard to emulate that 486 :lol:
Howzabout just leaving it all to bottleneck on a few k of memory? That ought to be a bonzer.

*waits 6 hours for Windows to boot*
Actually, if you really want to play some 486 games, you could probably pick one up at the local computer shop for 30 bucks or so.
What was the game? Have you looked for a version thats been made for the newer computers?
The game was Incunabula. The root word meaning 'cradle'. It was the earliest variant of Civ that ever existed. It was made out of less code than your basic Atari 2600 game.
Then if we can't find the game, maybe we can find the code and alter it. :shrug:
You have to download their downloader, have you used them, HomeLAN?
I'll be damned.. It sounds like it allright. I'm not thriller about having to use a 3rd party specialty downloader though.