Well isn't that nice


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Clooney meets with Obama

Actor George Clooney walks out of the West Wing of the White House following his meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden. (THE ASSOCIATED PRESS/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

LOS ANGELES - George Clooney apparently had a good reason for skipping out on Oscar night: he had a meeting with President Barack Obama.

The Oscar-winning actor appeared Monday on CNN's "Larry King Live" and spoke of his visit earlier that morning with Obama to discuss the humanitarian crisis in Sudan's Darfur region.

Clooney said he told the president of his visit to camps in Chad where 250,000 refugees live, but he downplayed the risks he took to witness the suffering firsthand.

"I don't think people should be going there and coming back and saying how it affected them," Clooney told King via satellite from the White House lawn. "I think somehow we should all know that these people are hanging on by the skin of their teeth."

Clooney, a UN Messenger of Peace, said he asked the president to appoint a full-time regional envoy who reports directly to the White House, and to ask China to set aside its business interests in the region and pressure Sudan to prevent atrocities.

The refugees need "what we do best, what we have done best since the start of this country - which is good, robust diplomacy all across the world," he said.

Clooney said he delivered 250,000 postcards gathered by the Save Darfur organization to the president and Vice-President Joe Biden. The actor said both were receptive.

Fighting erupted in 2003 as Darfur's ethnic African rebels took up arms against Sudan's government complaining of discrimination and neglect. Nearly 2.5 million people have been displaced by a conflict that has killed about 300,000 people.

Next week, the International Criminal Court is scheduled to rule on whether to proceed with an arrest warrant for Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir for crimes in Darfur.

Clooney said his latest visit - his sixth to Darfur and Chad - was privately arranged. He travelled with journalists, including the New York Times' Nicholas Kristof and NBC's Ann Curry, but the Sudanese government denied him a visa.

The 47-year-old actor also confirmed that he was going to appear in the last episode of NBC's "ER" with Julianna Margulies. "So it should be fun," Clooney said.

It's good to know that your president is getting such sound advise on foreign policy from such a knowledgable source. After all, not only did Clooney play a doctor on TV, ... He played a thief in several movies ... and a fictional hero in others. Sounds like a born statesman to me.

Holy shades of Team America, people

Yup, glad to know there's a self-important TV personality with his finger on the pulse of our foreign policy. :rolleyes:
Obama was the first guy to sell out like this!

Or was he?


Thanks for the non story....

Hopefully I'll have forgotten it by the time I leave for work!
And Kennedy had Monroe whispering in his ear. How does that matter today?

You guys really need to stop justifying today's mistakes by looking to the past. Although it is comical (on both sides) that what you whined about the other guy doing ... is now justification for the new guy repeating it.

And I expect if I`d seen Boner with Bush, I`d have made (at the very least) a similar comment. Indeed, I can't see me passing up the Boner-Bush- fucking up the country angle to save my life.
Obama was the first guy to sell out like this!

Didn't say he was. Haven't said he has. It has always bothered me that celebrities somehow think that their celebrity alone somehow makes their opinions more valid than anyone else's and it worries me when someone in a position of power encourages this.
Logic 101 class in session....

OK, if Joe the plumber (another Joe the plumber not the already famous one) would like to see more effort at AIDS prevention in Africa, how likely is anyone to listen to him?

If Oprah Winfrey, has the same idea, and representing Joe, and maybe Maggie the hairdresser, and Roy the photo journalist, and many others, wants an audience to discuss matters, how likely is she to be listened to?

Maybe, compared to most people, Clooney is an expert on that particular situation, why don't you look into that? Even if he is not, what is your problem with him making the effort? If it's a problem, personally I would be more upset that Obama is spending time on the issue. What Clooney does I could not care less about if I tried.

Class dismissed!

Again, a non story, or if there is a story, it's not Clooney in my opinion
Maybe, compared to most people, Clooney is an expert on that particular situation, why don't you look into that?

klooney ain't no expert on nothing, and nobody should be letting some dipshit that's nothing but a "pretty face" who happens to repeat a few popular slogans when their string is pulled be talking up their shit.

i'll see your klooney, and raise you one palin.

jesus christ the lefties complain about the righties and their brainless flag waving and then go and slurp off the teat of a different brainless drummer.

let's get it right on both sides, bitchez.
I don't know from Clooney, but your objection to his politics, most likely is clouding your judgement. I doubt you know him either.
It is so odd to me how people who object to other peoples politics, (I'm not talking to anyone in particular here) so often think their adversary to be of low intelligence. There are lots of people with extremely high IQs and loads of "ger-r-dun" ability, with horrible ideas about how the world should be run. There are also stupid people who have some good points now and again.
I don't know from Clooney, but your objection to his politics, most likely is clouding your judgement. I doubt you know him either.

Okay. I'll explain this, since you didn't even pay attention to what 2minkey wrote.

It's not George Clooney's politics he's complaining about. Its the fact that George Clooney is seen as an expert when he's nothing but an actor. You may now return to your inane and insipid comments on how he's allowed his opinion, and must be heard, while the rest of us do not...
I seldom worry much about what's being done. I worry more about WHY it's being done. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Okay. I'll explain this, since you didn't even pay attention to what 2minkey wrote.

It's not George Clooney's politics he's complaining about. Its the fact that George Clooney is seen as an expert when he's nothing but an actor. You may now return to your inane and insipid comments on how he's allowed his opinion, and must be heard, while the rest of us do not...

I almost didn't notice this post due to the ignore feature, but since I had to look....

Where did anyone say Clooney is an expert?

Compared to me and almost anyone I know an argument could be made that he is on this one subject, but nowhere did anyone say he was. Just because you don't like the messenger does not invalidate the message.

Maybe we (the United States) could do some good, somehow, but I really have no idea, as I know nothing about the subject but what I read here......[sarcasm]Oh wait there are no oil fields to be gained is there, well fuck that then![/sarcasm]

I suppose I should take you off ignore, because I can't remember why I did it, and it's too easy to miss hilarious, ridiculous, and insane posts, or even reasonable ones if that ever happens.... :rofl:
meh, go ahead and leave me on ignore. i only saw your post because i wasn't logged in.

Never had you on ignore, too funny to ignore, and you don't have a neandrathal mentality, but if you have me on ignore, well right on! Means I made a real impression and probably means I make you think of things you'd rather not and that is often a good thing.

It also feeds your delusion that you are better than everyone else and I'm sure you enjoy that....