well, it's Friday ...

I just came back from my first day of work at the bookshop. Quite fun actually. :) I love that book-shoppy feeling when there's not many customers toward the end of the day and it's still and peaceful.

edit: bloody 9 hours I worked today, though! Gawd... :sick:

It's not bad. Compared to other jobs I've had, anyway. But I'm only working weekends so it doesn't amount to very much! :(
beh, i was on less than that this week. but money is money right now, it helps pay the bills.
Scanty said:
I just came back from my first day of work at the bookshop. Quite fun actually. :) I love that book-shoppy feeling when there's not many customers toward the end of the day and it's still and peaceful.

edit: bloody 9 hours I worked today, though! Gawd... :sick:

What? That's a standard day.
I took the day off tomorrow. I was going to go to the NY Botanical Gardens to see an exhibit and take some pictures but we're catching the tail end of that hurricane down south so it's going to be raining all day. I think I'll:

--sleep late
--wake up around 10
--put on my new GREEN fuzzy slippers
--sit on my ass for a while
--go to the deli and get coffee and a croissant
--come home and sit on my ass some more
--make soup for lunch
--sit on my ass

Well, you get the idea. :D

Do you think I can expect some rain tomorrow?


rain.jpg, 33.44kb

Tonight: Birthday party for neice... hang with my kids.
Saturday: Providing a foster home for a cat, play with my kids - then going out for dinner with a friend then go out dancing.
Sunday: Nurse a hang-over. Play with my kids.
work,sleep start on my criminal justice paper and other hw. then i might play some video games or watch a movie.
Today: 2 hours more of After Effects (to add to the 45+hrs of multimedia school work since monday) and then UT2003 time! I'm fecking tired of this damn week...

Saturday: Relax (maybe)... and read a school book for the literature (sp?) course

Sunday: study for the four darn exams next week :grumpy:
I might be doing some cleanup for winter on the back deck, but that depends on how long Isadore sticks around, dumping water on us.
Today - work and watch my niece, Destructo Baby

Saturday - homework and birthday dinner at Restaurant Nihon for my cousin

Sunday - homework and laundry and watch my other niece
Today- work, work, drink, drink, drink

Saturday- veg, drink, drink, boogie downtown for the Ho'olaule'a while secretly drinking

Sunday- recover, drink, drink, maybe concert at Gardens, drink

No I don't have a drinking problem :D