Well, its here. Be very afraid.


Well-Known Member
When Gays started claiming that homosexuality was inbred it became their clarion call. Then someone asked a simple question -- ala the question asked of the mice as to who would bell the cat -- and that question was "If it is genetic, doesn't that mean that it could be cured?" Most Gays had the good sense to shut up. The hardcore Gays kept on preaching.

Now there's this:


Study Finds 'On-Off' Gene to Control Gender Traits

Friday, December 11, 2009

Scientists have identified the gene that keeps females female. An international team found that the action of a single gene is all that stops females from developing male physical traits, including testes and facial hair.

When this gene was artificially "switched off" in adult female mice their ovaries began to turn into testes and they started to produce a level of testosterone found in healthy male mice.

The discovery could eventually revolutionize gender reassignment therapy and improve treatments for babies who are born with a mixed gender.

The research, published today in the journal Cell, challenges a common perception that gender is determined purely by the X-chromosomes and Y-chromosomes. The gene that was switched off, known as FOXL2, lies on a non-sex chromosome that is shared by males and females.

We take it for granted that we maintain the sex we are born with, including whether we have testes or ovaries. But this work shows that the activity of a single gene, FOXL2, is all that prevents adult ovary cells turning into cells found in testes," said Robin Lovell-Badge, from the National Institute for Medical Research, a co-author of the paper.

The gene appears to have a "see-saw" relationship with another gene, SOX9, which is normally active only in males. When one is on, the other is automatically off. In the first few days of male development SOX9 is turned on, and this stops FOXL2 from becoming active for the rest of the man’s life. The reverse occurs in females, with FOXL2 being switched on first.

The discovery that gender depends, at least in part, on the competing action of genes that are shared by both sexes suggests that gender can be more easily manipulated than previously thought.

FOXL2 was already known to be important for the growth of ovaries during development and for their maintenance during a woman’s life. However, scientists did not anticipate that egg-producing cells in the ovary could be co-opted by a competing male gene to carry out the male reproductive functions.

"We expected the mice to stop producing eggs, but what happened was much more dramatic," said Mathias Treier, of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, who led the study.

Click here to read more of this story from the London Times.

So now they can change the sex of humans and that will lead to the science of sex selection in pre-born children. Parents will not only be able to choose the sex of the baby but will be able to select that the baby notWhile be a homosexual. The Chinese will love this technology the Gay community will be very afraid of it.

The cry of Gay genocide will eventually go up as a defense.
gender is not biological, thank you very little.

gay men are men, biologically, and sexual identity is not a simple genetic switch.

this really doesn't mean shit. other than for someone to construct it as the imaginary gay holocaust due to some perverse interest in such things.
Then, for the record, you are saying that homosexuality is a choice?
no that's not what i've suggested at all. there is no single/simple 'cause.' but why do some seem to need one?
Your article, Jim doesn't mention sexuality whatsoever. As 2minkey said, the only thing this will work towards is the choosing of the sex of the fetus.

You are right about one thing tho' - the Chinese will love it..for about one generation, and then they'll realize that they have too many men for every woman.. then there'll be major suckage.
Your article, Jim doesn't mention sexuality whatsoever. As 2minkey said, the only thing this will work towards is the choosing of the sex of the fetus.

You are right about one thing tho' - the Chinese will love it..for about one generation, and then they'll realize that they have too many men for every woman.. then there'll be major suckage.

If the sex can be manipulated then the orientation can be also. That will worry the Gays.
they may be the same in your idea of what a "sissy" is, but to folks who actually know something substantial about this kind of shit... sex and gender are two different things. i'll bet you one berdache and two penis by twelves. might even throw in a couple FTMs that date men for your pleasure.

sorry, pal, you're really not connecting here.
sex and gender are two different things.

One is the determining factor on the male or female division of a species and the other is a grammatical term which has, over time, been taken out of context to also mean the former.
If the sex can be manipulated then the orientation can be also. That will worry the Gays.
The first is a physical state and the other, a mental state. You might as well be stating that the latest cure for gonorrhea can also be used on schizophrenia...cause the two words kinda sound the same.

What worries homosexuals is that there are far too many people who think that homosexuality can, or even should, be 'cured'.
..and variances on XY vs XX which render exact sex identification..er..complex using simple physical examination.

Sounds like a blast. Went to a drag show in MTL once..laughed my ass off. (I was the DD for a bachelorette party for a friend of mine and they insisted that I see the show).
so what happens if they switch both switches off so there is no sex?
outer space alien maybe? :D