Well, talking about aliens made me wonder...


<b>mod cow</b>
...how many of you still crunch SETI WU's?
I have been crunching them for 1.5+ yrs now, on daily basis. A lot of people, even fury (;)) are crunching meaningless human data :p

But how many are still loyal to SETI? :headbang:
I was loyal to SETI for about a year. I gave it up after they kept mucking and remucking with the coding to make it looooonger and looonger to push units out the door.
Hm I don't do either of them, my computer is happily enough sitting there idle doing nothing. When it isn't doing nothing it is usually downloading stuff. :D STUFF!
Tried both and both were a major interference. If they really wanted our 3l373 machines they would make the programs totally unobtrusive. :confuse3: