
Kitty On Crack

New Member
Kitty's back with a Pic....I think...If it works say yes....if you like the pic say nine...if you have a better one put it up....and if you have anything rude to say....lick a cunt....


Got milk? :confuse3:
Why thankie...I have another pic, called tight pussy....so cute and I luv the new smily face :confuse3: reminds me of me :D well mew

oh and someone should make me a kitty smiley face to sue like ALL the time....only a suggestion....
here's the piccy if it shows up


tightpussy.jpg, 15.72kb

Who doesn't love cats....cept those evil cat hating people....who love dogs....evil dogs...damn allergies.... :mad2:
meh..oh well
love your pussy or someone else will
No milk for you...Milk for me....warm milk....and cat nip.... :D and a kitty smiley face....obey me....mooohahahah
I mean...ahem.... mewwwhahahhaha....
fine no milk....for you...i was prepared to offer something better.... so nah nah nah nah nah :D
:D I am sure someone else will make me a kitty smiley face....