Wetlings Hideout?

Professur said:
That's one helluva commute. All the way to Africa, eh?
Buzz! The store is the one doing the mission work in Africa, not my Tracy. ;) But it is truly freaky when the store goes to Africa and leaves all of that exposed piping on the concrete slab for a week at a time.
Leslie said:
I've had pulled ligaments in my shoulder and a pinched nerve in my neck since September.

That sucks.

But, the form for physiotherapy lists the Modalities of Treatment. Seeing modalities used officially as a word was a bright spot in my land of chronic pain.
I know how that feels. I tore a rotator cuff almost 7 years ago and it still hurts. Both Tracy and I have pinched nerves in our neck from the car wreck last year. Neither of us have known a day free from pain in quite a long time.
Professur said:
Must be a real bitch wearing an ACE bandage around your neck.
There is nothing to help me :(

I'm thinking about trying a (BRAND NEW) hemmorhoid pillow to put the back of my head in the hole to support my neck better when I'm sleeping. Other than that I'm fucked. Doctor sounded pretty hopeless about it ever getting totally better. Rob's saying they've still got em makes it even more hopeless.
Leslie said:
There is nothing to help me :(

I'm thinking about trying a (BRAND NEW) hemmorhoid pillow to put the back of my head in the hole to support my neck better when I'm sleeping. Other than that I'm fucked. Doctor sounded pretty hopeless about it ever getting totally better. Rob's saying they've still got em makes it even more hopeless.

A hemmorhoid pillow? Oh man .... I can't do it. It's just too easy. Like shooting a puppy.
Down to desperate measures.

I tried somethin like that Swedish one, it was too mushy still. It's my shoulder and shoulder blade too. So I'm thinking hemorrhoid pillow plus a pillow like Rob posted for under my shoulder blade.

I used a teddy bear the other day, it actually worked pretty well :eyemouth:
You need someone to deep tissue massage the afflicted area and trace it back to the root of the muscle. The damage and where it seems to be 'telegraphing' are sometimes not in the same place. The tight muscle needs to be beaten to within an ich of its life in order to let full bloodflow resume as well as let the tangled nerve back off some of the swelling. It will hurt like hell... but the relief... oh the relief.
Professur said:
Dunno about Ontario, but in QC, medicare has some form of coverage relating to Chiro.
They cut it last year in Ontario from OHIP.

S'ok, I'm still covered under Larry's.
Public shame?

He just never took me off. He said that he wouldn't, he didn't feel it would be right to do. He later threatened to do it (to keep me in line), but that dint' work. And, cause he's not good at/can't be bothered to deal with officey stuff, and in the past, it would have made him look bad, and he probably figured (rightly) I'd have fought him tooth and nail on it. Now, I think it's just he hasn't bothered/doesn't care yet.

I obviously wouldn't argue if he took me off now, but I'm gonna use it while it's still there.
Leslie said:
Public shame?

He just never took me off. He said that he wouldn't, he didn't feel it would be right to do. He later threatened to do it (to keep me in line), but that dint' work. And, cause he's not good at/can't be bothered to deal with officey stuff, and in the past, it would have made him look bad, and he probably figured (rightly) I'd have fought him tooth and nail on it. Now, I think it's just he hasn't bothered/doesn't care yet.

I obviously wouldn't argue if he took me off now, but I'm gonna use it while it's still there.

But if you tried to make a claim would they allow it since you guys aren't married?
We are married - we haven't divorced yet. :lloyd:

And if I really wanted to push it, I could get a court order forcing him to provide it until I remarry. But I won't. That would be not right.
Professur said:
I think the St-Helen's fin might have toppled. I can't see it on the wecam today.

The volcano is obscured by clouds today. Recent photographs from remote cameras shows that a slab of rock about 70 meters (230 feet) long fell from the north margin of the growing lava fin or spine sometime during the past weekend, probably coincident with a large seismic signal recorded at 9:14 pm PDT Sunday night. The resulting rock-avalanche deposit extends a couple of hundred meters (couple of hundred yards) to the northeast into a depression formed between the new and old lava domes and the east arm of the glacier; an ash cloud accompanying the avalanche left deposits over a broader area . Photographs will be available on our web site later today. Additional smaller rockfalls and avalanches continue.

yup, they lost a chunk of it.

lost the front edge.
Leslie said:
We are married - we haven't divorced yet. :lloyd:

And if I really wanted to push it, I could get a court order forcing him to provide it until I remarry. But I won't. That would be not right.

Ah, that I didn't know!