We've been made redundant :sad:


New Member
Welcome to the Central Lounge

March 29, 2005 -- Pigs flew and heck froze over today as Jupitermedia execs authorized and Hardware Central launched a trial period for its first Off Topic forum since the flaming ruin of mid-2001.

As the "Hello folks" thread and front-page notice say, no fewer than five mods and admins are on vigilant duty to ensure that personal attacks and offensive material will not be tolerated ... also, the IMG tag is disabled in this forum, for both safety's and bandwidth's sake (images will appear as links, not images).

Otherwise, grab a copy of the AUP and have (good clean) fun!
offensive material will not be tolerated ...

Let's talk about the...no, how about...nope, canI start a thread....no...how about the weather?

In case nobody knows, Metalgod = Gonz...now, to go start a Terry Shaivo thread.
It's doomed to fail if they're gonna ride shotgun on every single post.