We've been made redundant :sad:

Mufu @HWC said:
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica] The only "controversial" posts here so far have been those with an underlying intent to bug the mods/admins and waste their time. And it's worked... well done. Now grow up perhaps?[/font]
Lick my balls monkey fucker.

just cause I couldn't say it there. :swing:
Even though I don't post there too much anymore, I think it is great that HWC has an OT forum now.

Good, I am glad to see that they are editing it closely. I remember the last time...
Let me step into the fire here if ya'll don't mind cause I got nothing to lose these days. There's still a trauma of how things use to be in OT plus your forgetting that it was or is a commercial site so the looseness you enjoy with nothing hanging over your head, no one to answer to makes it easy to carry on as if we were on the street. Kinda like a weight watchers or something.

I'd rather have it your way but its a no can do situation but at least we can talk about something other than computers which is boring after awhile but an addiction nonetheless or challenge to come up with the rite answer.

You have free reign we don't, so we'll take what we can get. Of course you can talk about the weather just don't make me do a fuckin' rain dance or somethin cuz they'll close down what little we have, think thats fair isn't it, no eh?:D

have a good day all!
Can someone please edit the swearing. Thanks.

Al, after the welcome home we got, I think it's safe to say you can take your central lounge and stuff it.
Sorry you feel that way, haven't we all had to turn a cheek at one time or another. No reason to give up, its just a different place, different rules etc., your loss if thats the way you want it, take care.
And we all accepted that. And were treated like idiots for asking that those rules actually be spelled out. Espescially since none of the posts that were deleted broke any written rules.

But, that said, I already invited the HWC staff here to discuss the matter. And as such, I personally, welcome you to this thread.
In fact, let's discuss the attitude displayed in the "Let's cut to the chase" thread, where you all ...

Never mind. You're obviously to thick to understand that either.
Wow, I am surprised the whole lot of you are so concerned that HWC has an OT section now.

Pussies because they have strict rules? right..

No, they are not a dedicated OT board. If any of you spent time there you would know that EVERY forum there is watched very closely. Just keep it clean and you will do fine there.

Don't like it? Don't post there.

It is only the a couple of forums on the internet. Grow up, and get over it.
Time for some AUP bustin' pr0n:

Nice, see what I mean thats not fair, your teasing me dammit. :D

Personally I don't explain nothing to nobody except "it breaks copyright" or check the aup yourself, I ain't leading nobody by the hand since its all in there for you to read as I would if I needed to. I do another jupiter site and they have the same attitude there no cussing, sex etc. so its not just hwc. Sides I got my own son to help, don't really have the time to help a hundred others unless its ice hockey.

I wasn't even there last year to sick to even look at a computer screen so I may be behind the times, still sick so I got no energy or patience, good thing I got cable I'd be asleep waiting for dialup, ha.
Thanks homelan, wish I had the energy to get around more often, as it is I'm more homebound physically, can't even go to the car show with my son let alone get in net for some hockey and I like hockey more than computers.

Feels like the old days talkin to you all, flashbacks.
your forgetting that it was or is a commercial site so the looseness you enjoy with nothing hanging over your head, no one to answer to makes it easy to carry on as if we were on the street.

Yep, and the redlight is still on the donate button y'all. ;)

*mexican accent*
"We don't need no stinking sponsors"
She's got a nice rack; glad I was actually fortunate enough to catch it before it went bye-bye this time. :D