what´s your favourite bad film?


New Member
what's your favourite bad film?

i'm sure that, like me, most people have a whole batch of movies they adore but are, infact, crap.

and i'm not talking the kind of entertaining crap that hollywood turns out [the latter lethal weapon films, for example], but genuine bad plot, bad acting, bad script - the whole lot.

take 'the adventures of ford fairlane, the rock and roll detective'. who in their right mind gave money to make this when even the title is naff?

or, 'the return of captain invincible', a sub b-movie musical with alan arkin and christopher lee with such great lyrics as 'find that hypno-ray, hip hip hooray' eek

personally i adore both of them, low budget and low quality but high on laughs and pissed-up, with your mates viewing

so...who can better andrew dice clay's movie outing as a hollywood private eye?
I don't have any movies as such, but a cheesy tv show I love and watch whenever I can find it is RED DWARF, a show about a guy on a spacecraft floating through space after the earth is gone. HILARIOUS!!!!!!!! :D
Well Leslie, since that show originated inthe UK (i believe) he should know it :D

i must say Superman IV was cheesy but i like it :D
red dwarf series 1 and 2 were fab, it went a bit downhill for me from there really. i'm looking forward to the film when it comes out [i'm sure they were working on one]

what a about blackadder? they were fantastic
Originally posted by Justintime
Well Leslie, since that show originated inthe UK (i believe) he should know it :D
well, duh! I was describing for the benefit of my neighbours down south who may not have had the pleasure! :)

Blackadder is fabulous too, we're just getting it now. We have made a takeoff on it called Blackfly, hilarious too with Colin Mochrie from Who's Line is it Anyway (I believe you guys had that first too will we NEVER make original good tv? :( ) It is based in Colonial Canada (if we had such a thing) and moves around in different periods. Hilarious too. :D
*cue cheesy music* ... of the killer to-ma-tos. *end cheesy musc*

I held a movie night featuring Attack and Return. By the intermission, I was the only one left awake.
Originally posted by L. Summerton
Originally posted by Justintime
Well Leslie, since that show originated inthe UK (i believe) he should know it :D
well, duh! I was describing for the benefit of my neighbours down south who may not have had the pleasure! :)

Blackadder is fabulous too, we're just getting it now. We have made a takeoff on it called Blackfly, hilarious too with Colin Mochrie from Who's Line is it Anyway (I believe you guys had that first too will we NEVER make original good tv? :( ) It is based in Colonial Canada (if we had such a thing) and moves around in different periods. Hilarious too. :D

Oh yeah, Blackadder is unbelievably funny. :D I've got all the episodes DivX'ed up off DVD. :)

Colin Mochrie as Blackfly, eh? Funny bastard, always loved his dinosaur impression. :D

OOOH OOOH Mr Kottair, Airplane!!! is on UPN 38 right now for whoever gets the channel!!! :D :D
I don't know what your television is like there - it is on right now on WSBK upn38 one of the superstations you get here with the Movie Network etc.
Yeppers. Damn phone company. I work for Entourage(BCE). My ISP is Sympatico(BCE). And my TV is bloody BCE too.
Small world! I worked for Bell in TO on the phones until the rugrats piled up. I also have ExpressVu and Sympatico, but not through loyalty, but through hatred of Rogers and Shaw for their abhorrent "customer service" So thats why you're driving all over hell's creation! Did you score one of the new vans, or still have one of the old yukky ones?
I guess you have to sleep with Monty (I assume he's still the boss) to get the nifty blue ones?
I've got Adrien Pouliot as a boss. He sold videotron to buy entourage, Forcecom, and us (mir). And now, he just bought up a bunch of Videotron again.