what´s your favourite bad film?

The BIG BOSS of BCE used to be Monty. We used to have to watch a weekly cocked up interview show starring him where they would spout about BCE and how wonderful it was. :p

They just said it on the movie. "And stop calling me Shirley" hahaha!

And on topic, there was a movie that for a couple of years seemed to be on almost every week. It was called Truly Madly Deeply, a story about how a spirit helps his still living girlfriend get over him and move on. I must have watched it about 50 times.
rofl :D did you see it tonight?

without question that is the best written farce I've ever seen.
None of you have ever heard of this but its a local film...

WHen your dead and to stupid to know it!

Total cheap film that tried to be a kind of skin flick....it was alot better when you skipped the skin flick parts.....it was about three strippers from Las Vegas heading to atlanta or seomthign and get stuck in north dakota....lol then they battle sugar beet mutants...

to bad I didn't import that to my computer when i had it on tape.
Hmm... let's see:

Day of the Triffids
Plan 9 from Outer Space
Strange Brew (doesn't really deserve this list, this movie rocks)
Rubber Tarzan
do you like films with gladiators?

:D :D

i love airplane, as a kid my dad had it on tape and i used to watch it over and over
Airplane is just a classic! Before the days where everyone worried about offending someone else. Remember the two guys and the lady talking Jive? They could never do something like that today.

No, Leslie, I didn't see it last night. I just remember alot of the lines, like alot of people do.

What do you make of this?
Well, I can make a hat, a broach, a teradactyl!

That guy was so funny.
I'm definately going to second strange brew. That movie always cracks me up just thinking about it. Especially the part where the dog flies.
Buckaroo Banzai?? No way! That movie was too good to be on a good bad movie list! I mean, those were some great lines...

"Remember... no matter where you go... there you are."

"It's not my planet, Monkey Boy!"

"Big Bootay! Big Bootay!"

"Jesu Cristo!"

And the costumes... pure 80s. I love that movie... :headbang: :headbang:
Professur said:
*cue cheesy music* ... of the killer to-ma-tos. *end cheesy musc*

I held a movie night featuring Attack and Return. By the intermission, I was the only one left awake.
The Killer Tomatoes Eat France :D