what a crappy day ...

nalani said:
Professur said:
Don't you want to get it off your chest. You'll sleep better with a clear mind.

thanks for the offer, but no ... I fear there isn't enough room on the entire site for all the crap surrounding me :D
230 megs free. Rant away :headbang:
Professur said:
Fine, come over here and sit at my desk for a while. I could use the break.
OK!! I know I could screw up a network or two, break some computers and piss a few people off. ( I can excell at the last part, if I really put my mind to it :D )
Wanna trade jobs?
your panther computer killing style is no match for my dragon os-murdering style, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Ah, but you are mistaken. I do not use the panther style.

For I have my own form, dubbed the Quicker Computer Screwer Upper Arts. :headbang:
I can do 5 BSOD's without even trying. :rolleyes:

Try this on for size: I can disable an entire hard drive just by installing Linux on it and losing the CD.

Or how about one of my favorite techniques, the instantaneous CPU overheat? :headbang:
ha, i can my computer to have random problems that appear and disappear with no reason.

with the cd, or without, i use the torturing power of windows to wreak my havoc!