What a day


Major contributor!

Temp feels right around 60 to 65 with a very light breeze.
We had rain yesterday & the grass woke up...only to find the temps in the mid 20's tonight. :(
Coquille, Oregon. It's about 20 miles inland from Coos Bay/North Bend along the Southern Oregon coast.
Now I'm going to throw a pizza in the oven, crack a beer and watch the closing of the day on the deck. :)
It's nice when people who have that view really appreciate it like you do. :)

It was mid 60's last week, my lilac bush is budding, my tulips are growing, I was all excited... Then I went out this morning and it was SNOWING. :grumpy:
Same kind of thing here, GF. It was 70's all last week, all the plants were coming up, and BAM! It gets back into the thirties this weekend.
Weird, it's getting colder and colder here everyday, the day before yesterday i had to wear a sweater in the nigh.