what a morning


New Member
I hate Monday mornings ... I was so unprepared for this one :grumpy:

*breathe* As soon as I get my coffee, life will be better :coffee:
kuulani said:
I love rainy mornings ... I'm weird like that :D

They're okay if I don't have to go outside, if all I have to do is lie in bed snuggled up with my honey... I don't think I've had one like that in about... oh, six years. :p
kuulani said:
I love rainy mornings ... I'm weird like that :D
Its cool enough when your semi tropical and it never gets below the mid 60s. Weve had 3 days of sun in the last 28 with rain on about 20 of them with the temp ranging from 48-68. Cold rain is no fun.
i go :retard: if we go too long without rain. :D

poor ards, no snuggling under the covers for 6 years? :( go hire a babysitter and you and jan can snuggle all day long :D
kuulani said:
poor ards, no snuggling under the covers for 6 years? :( go hire a babysitter and you and jan can snuggle all day long :D

I'm exaggerating. We snuggle for a little bit every morning. We just don't get to wallow in the bed until 9 or 10am like we used to. It's a very rare morning that we both get to sleep past 8am.
i was hoping my morning was all a bad dream....
the afternoon bit as well.
night time wasn't bad cause i got to go home.
9a-9p bites.
halamikage said:
kuulani said:
i go :retard: if we go too long without rain. :D

Me too! Living in Hilo, if we go too long without a flood, I'd go insane!

yep, yep *nod*

I've been wondering when the flood is gonna happen .. that flood 2 years ago was the BEST day! well, not for everyone, I know, but that was fun ... hanging out ... watching videos til the electricity went out .. then playing truth or dare ... driving around when no one was on the road ... what an adventure!
Yup, I 'member that! Although it destructed a lot, it was by far the BEST flood in Hilo ever. No school, no work....those are the LAZY days, that I love! Well Na, November flood month is creeping up slowly...*rubbing hands together* 'Ikuwa is among us!
I was gonn apost a pretty rainbow pic to cheer you up Kuu (I took it myself in the spring) but it is too big :(
Thanks for the thought nix :)
Hey Ards, we get hurricane parties too ... its fun sitting in the dark with no tv and only candles :D