what a night


Well-Known Member
2 heroin OD's. begining of the month. everyone has their checks.
2 people that passed out after doing drugs and were awakened by their friend pouring bleach on them (it was in a water container. the friend thought it was water. guess they have no sense of smell)
3 drunks with near comatose alcohol levels. one of them had to be restrained when they started swinging and spitting at us.
3 suicidal people
1 geri-psych case
2 chest pains

and that was just the second half of the night.
i'm beat. cant wait to get home.
2 people that passed out after doing drugs and were awakened by their friend pouring bleach on them (it was in a water container. the friend thought it was water. guess they have no sense of smell)
how ghastly! :eek13:
Spot said:
2 heroin OD's. begining of the month. everyone has their checks.
2 people that passed out after doing drugs and were awakened by their friend pouring bleach on them (it was in a water container. the friend thought it was water. guess they have no sense of smell)
3 drunks with near comatose alcohol levels. one of them had to be restrained when they started swinging and spitting at us.
3 suicidal people
1 geri-psych case
2 chest pains

and that was just the second half of the night.
i'm beat. cant wait to get home.

You're awesome.
That’s so why I'd never be interested in that line of work.
Most if not all those things were self-inflicted.
how ghastly! :eek13:
at least it was only bleach. it was a good thing they didnt grab a gas can or something like that instead.

Spirit said:
You're awesome.
:blush: :)

Winky said:
Most if not all those things were self-inflicted.
its not the self-inflicted part that gets to you. its the abusive behavior from them (not all, but most) that gets to you.
one of the OD's wasnt bad, but the other one was an obnoxious prick. we had to have the PD come in to threaten to arrest him to get him to STFU. they really hate it when we destroy a good buzz.
As my wife often says, don't fuck with the people who control your pain meds. ;)
Spot said:
begining of the month. everyone has their checks.
Ugh, I remember dreading that too. Those are the times that make you question why you do what you do. Why help them if they refuse to help themselves?

Spot said:
they really hate it when we destroy a good buzz
Whenever we got a call for a possible OD, a lot of the male members would respond straight to the scene. We never had a shortage of people to restrain the patient after we pushed Narcan. Behind baby choking and heart attack calls, it was the most responded-to call.

We had one newbie medic who positioned himself in a really bad spot one time, while someone else was pushing Narcan. He was trying to step over the gurney and wound up straddling the patient just as he was coming to. Kicked him right in the nuts. :eek:
Spot, GF, if you guys weren't so dedicated, we could probably clean up the streets in months.
unclehobart said:
The chest pain types... simple EKGs and the street or did someone actually have a problem?
simple rule-outs. nothing indicative of a major problem. overnight stay. run serial lab tests, stress test and out the door.

As my wife often says, don't fuck with the people who control your pain meds.
i usually tell them not to mess with the people with all the sharp objects and tubes.
You have any idea at what that costs? I was thinking that I'm old enough to get a cardio baseline and a peek to see if I have any existing trouble.
Professur said:
Spot, GF, if you guys weren't so dedicated, we could probably clean up the streets in months.
Probably. But there would be plenty more to take their place in no time. And do you really want to leave that decision up to the healthcare providers? I can see it now. "I don't like the way you look. I won't treat you."
So if a child touches a hot stove to see if it burns, they don't get treated since it's self inflicted?

I know, I'm being sarcastic. But I'm saying that you can't leave it up to the individual on where to draw the line.
One night back in the 90's I was werkin' in the field
doin' an install and through complete negligence
ran a circular saw over the end of my righthand pointy finger. It wasn't a real bad injury but I thought it would be good to get some stitches. So I cruised into my fav ER.
I got to talking to the Doc there and he said that he'd transferred from a hospital that was in my old hood.

He said the reason he had gotten away from there was that while he disliked the gang bangers that were always showing up with gunshot wounds from blastin' each other
what he couldn't take was when the children would be brought in. Kids that were innocent bystanders. What tore it was a 5 year old that had taken a 9 mil in the head. He worked on her and couldn't save her. The bastards that did it were in there. They were being all gangster and causing a ruckus. After he couldn't save her he was supposed to work on the shooter who had a bullet in his leg and was in cuffs. He said he fixed him up and asked for a transfer in the morning. I respected him for not wanting to kill the bastard himself.
unclehobart said:
You have any idea at what that costs? I was thinking that I'm old enough to get a cardio baseline and a peek to see if I have any existing trouble.
i stay as far away from the billing stuff as possible so i have no idea at all. sorry.

health insurace should cover the basics as a regular physical. if anything is found there, it would cover additional tests. if cardiac problems run in the family, the doctor might be able to get the advanced tests covered.
Those three stitches cost me $554.50!
But I guess they were worth it to have a good pointy finger.
Winky said:
Those three stitches cost me $554.50!
average car accident bill runs about $1500 here. ambulance, ER visit, CT scan and xrays. about $1600 if a few sutures are put in and a motrin given.
It costs over $100. just to walk in the door of the hospital. Anesthesia, stitches, paying the salary of those who helped you... Yeah. That sounds about right.

I visited the ER years ago after a car accident. All they did was check me over, do a urinalysis, two sets of xrays for my neck, and released me. I got a bill for over $800. with no details, it just said "norplant" on the bill. Turned out, there was another woman with the same name as me in the hospital on the same night and they mixed up our bills. In the end, my pee test and xrays cost as much as your three stitches.