There's always that theory at the bottom the the article you linked to
A desert environment can exacerbate respiratory problems.
A desert environment can exacerbate respiratory problems.
flavio said:There's always that theory at the bottom the the article you linked to
I'm not the one who stupidly said that there was an attack using WMD's, nor am I the person who stupidly decided to try and turn this thread into some kind of joke by following stupidity number one. What I said, in a nutshell, is that the symptoms for pneumonia and choking agent poisons are remarkably similar...almost exactly the same, and raised a possibility that your psyche didn't want to listen to. Since you cannot form an intelligent rebuttal, you tried to make a joke.a13antichrist said:Yes, I like the way that anything he doesn't have a counter for and does fit into this agenda is "stupidity".. to each his own prejudice I suppose..![]()
BBC said:Colonel DeFraites said statistically the rates of infection and even deaths connected to troops in Iraq would not be considered unusual, given the fact that pneumonia remains common and a large bulk of the US forces were in the region.
Heat and sandstorms can be hazardous to health
Worldwide, the US army treats between 400 and 500 of its personnel for pneumonia each year, and there are on average three deaths a year from the disease.
Two-thirds of the most severe recent cases occurred in Iraq, but pneumonia has also hit troops in Qatar and Uzbekistan.
Gato_Solo said:I'm not the one who stupidly said that there was an attack using WMD's, nor am I the person who stupidly decided to try and turn this thread into some kind of joke by following stupidity number one. What I said, in a nutshell, is that the symptoms for pneumonia and choking agent poisons are remarkably similar...almost exactly the same, and raised a possibility that your psyche didn't want to listen to. Since you cannot form an intelligent rebuttal, you tried to make a joke.
Gato_Solo said:What I said, in a nutshell, is that the symptoms for pneumonia and choking agent poisons are remarkably similar...almost exactly the same, and raised a possibility that your psyche didn't want to listen to. Since you cannot form an intelligent rebuttal, you tried to make a joke.
a13antichrist said:What does my psyche care whether US soldiers are being poisoned? What my psyche didn't like is your incapacity to distinguish "theoretically conceivable" from "likely". If the symptoms are so remarkably similar, then who are you to say that it's NOT pneumonia - which is obviously much more likely - especially given the environment they're in.
Your own highly-intelligent rebuttal to the propostion was simply "well we're all fine". Which is obviously utter nonsense because this thread is talking PRECISELY ABOUT SOLDIERS WHO HAVE BECOME SICK.
And if we made a joke about WMDs, it's because your suggestions and the manner in which you try to support them are simply laughable. We just wanted to share the fun around.
Gato_Solo said:Because the rticle all but ruled out a biological aspect of the illness.
One more thing...
If it is a reaction to the environment (sand), as some say, then why aren't the UK soldiers experiencing this illness? Surely you don't think that they are more immune than we, in the US are. As for the "we're all fine" reference, we are. There were more than 100K soldiers, sailors, marines, and Air Force personnel in the theater, and only 15 got sick. You do the math, and, since you are obviously more informed than I am, you tell me what it means. Until then, your jokes come from ignorance and failure to reason, and you have no valid points to rebut what I've said. Don't quibble, which is what you do, debate, which is what I do.
As for the "we're all fine" reference, we are. There were more than 100K soldiers, sailors, marines, and Air Force personnel in the theater, and only 15 got sick. You do the math, and
Gato_Solo said:Because the rticle all but ruled out a biological aspect of the illness.
a13antichrist said:You mean biological - physiological, or biological - weaponry? Because the weapons side of things is pretty much the only did they DID rule out...
Gato_Solo said:I meantthe doctors found no biological cause. Meaning no bacteria, virus, etc. I suggest you read it again.
Ms Kukral said no infectious agent such as a bacterium or virus has been discovered to be common to all the cases.
"We have no evidence to indicate that there are chemical or biological weapons or environmental toxins involved"
Lyn Kukral, army spokeswoman
a13antichrist said:HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE!!
YOU should try reading it again. Wishful interpretation is what you're suffering, methinks.... It's even in a big yellow box in the centre of the page so that you could only miss it if you were REALLY trying to..![]()
"We have no evidence to indicate that there are chemical or biological weapons or environmental toxins involved"