What are we watching?

Survivor is still my won't miss, otherwise it's CSI, NCIS, Law and Order, SVU, or just about anything on Nat Geo or the Discover channels.
My name is TRL and I'm a "Mythbusters" and "Dirty Jobs" addict. *sigh*

I am also addicted to HGTV, the History Channel, Discovery Channel, and TCM.

I watch "Survivor", too. Except last night --- when I FORGOT !
I gave up everything on TV except sports and reruns of Law & Order years ago as complete rubbish.

As opposed to the partial rubbish sports and Law & Order are...

[rant] Once upon a time, television was a means of escape. After a long day, you could come home, put your feet up, and give body and brain a timeout for awhile. I Love Lucy, Three's Company, Falcon Crest, whatever floated one's particular boat.

Then came 60 Minutes. Then 20/20. OK, a little info for those with a news bent. No problem. We still got Monday Night Football to escape to.

Then cable. Instead of singular programs about a particular topic/genre, we now have entire channels devoted to them. ESPN, American Movie Classics, Weather Channel, CSPAN, and then later a channel devoted to damn near any interest you can imagine, from home repair to cooking to travel to animals.

OK. Still not too bad. We can escape in our own preferred direction.

Enter "reality" TV.

First, would anyone who still doesn't realize that this shit is scripted please raise your hand?

Secondly, wasn't the point of all this to escape reality in the first place?

No problem though. The last refuge for those who wish to just block it all out and be entertained is still there. Always a ball game on somewhere, right?

Have ya turned on ESPN lately? Congressional hearings about Roger Clemmens usin roids. Arlen Spectre of Death wantin to crucify Bellichick for cheatin. Marion Jones goin to prison for cheatin. Barry Fuggin Bonds. Tom Brady and his ankle courtin a lingerie model. Pedro Martinez in hot water for goin to a cockfight in the Dominican Republic.


Oh, and after all that, we might have time for a few scores.

People are callin this the Information Age. I've bout had all the information I can stomach m'self. Is it too much to ask for a little mindless diversion from the constant bombardment of daily life?

I thought they aired almost at the same time in Europe too. How long until season 4 starts over there?
I don't know exactly when it starts but I think one or two months left. Fortunetly there are other sources where I can watch Lost :)