What are you eating right now?

Did anyone know that coffee is its' own food group?!

Breakfast consists of: 1 16oz iced, white chocolate late with skim milk and whipped cream... :lol2:
Of course coffee is it's own food group! :D So is chocolate! :D

...currently eating a vegetarian (Mexican) chorizo scrambled with egg on a whole wheat tortilla, with a bit of sharp cheddar on top. :evilcool: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yummmm


oops... excuse me. :ashamed:
Eating popcorn while watching Battle Royale II. It is, incredibly enough, even wierder than BRI.
Irish Chedder (which is both sweet and sharp, lovely) and Roast turkey.

Simple lunch.....delicious tho' :)
I just bought some chilinuts, a new brand. Supposedly, the nuts were 'All-American'. :bs:
Anyway, they were actually peanuts covered with chili powder... Don't tell me you guys actually eat this. Chilinuts are not supposed to have actual chili in or on them. Artificially flavoured nuts are so much nicer and... Oh shit gotta go to the bathroom.