What are you eating right now?

It is, 1:49 exactly as I type this. I'm a night person, what else can I say.
2:56AM here...
I'm not eating anything.
I bit a Diablo cd-case but it hurt my teeth.
The last thing I had was pumpkin pie with tons of whipped cream on it. Not that cool-whip spray can shit, the stuff where you pour cream in the mixer and beat it..
I'm a night person too :D
I got to go get something to eat, preferiably caffinated.
PuterTutor said:
It is, 1:49 exactly as I type this. I'm a night person, what else can I say.

Well it's about 8 am here and I've been up for an hour - don't feel so tired this morning though. :)

I have to go to Katie's "Festival of Lights" @ 10am @ her school. Then I have to book train tickets to London for Monday to see her cardiologist. Then I have to go and buy myself a new winter coat... Then I have to come back here and do some work... the list goes on. No more bed before 1am tomorrow - I probably won't go to bed before 2 or 3 anyway - I like the peace and quiet in the wee small hours. :( But I can sleep in tomorrow morning 'till 9am. :D
I just went downstairs and had a piece of Spice Cake leftover from thanksgiving.
That cake was great. It had maple syrup or something in frosting, PRETTY DAMN GOOD!
Notice, as it gets later and later my spelling quality decreases and i curse more.
Oh hell, this is fun :D
I just had a Steak-American-With from Joe's Steaks. Now for you people not from near philadelphia thats a "Philly Cheese Steak with American Cheese and Fried Onions" but here its just a steak-american-with.
They have the best steaks ever, even if I did have to wait 30minutes in a line!