What are you listening to right now?

A set i've tried to get onto a radio contest, but they refuse to play it.

Meatloaf - Paradise by the dashboard light
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Freebird
Supertramp - Fool's Overture.

I mean, so what if it's nearly a solid hour of music.
Ms Ann Thrope said:
an old cassette of Edith Piaf: Avant toi, Le chant d'amour, Margot coeur gros, and many more.... :love3:

damn, I wish I spoke French :mope:

Avant toi, Le chant d'amour, Margot coeur gros

Before you, the song of love, Margot large heart

Professur said:
A set i've tried to get onto a radio contest, but they refuse to play it.

Meatloaf - Paradise by the dashboard light
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Freebird
Supertramp - Fool's Overture.

I mean, so what if it's nearly a solid hour of music.

that is the problem. no ads :rolleyes: whens the last time a radio station played all music and no talk or ads

MDFMK: Missing time