He's back on AGAIN. It used be that he would play until 7:15AM then I would get on and play until 7:45AM. He was always up playing at 6:45AM. So it's 7:20 and no signs of moving from him. Of course when he wakes up he watches TV, but when it's my computer time he gets on. And if I want to kick him off, my parents say that I play too much and he deserves more time. I'm the one that always fixes the computer, i'm the one who buys new parts for it. I have bought all the games, the monitor, the camera, the mouse, the speakers, the headphones... everything but the actual box. And he's the one who benefits from it all. I've spent far more time on this laptop than MY Dell this weekend. Now my dad is starting work (evil mondays, can't wait until he's off next weekend) and i'm going to be kicked off the laptop. So then all week I will be playing on our stupid P1-200 Gateway.