A drunken vixen who loves to punch hookers
A stimulated titan who loves to dejuice sandwiches
A puny pin-up model who loves to hug birds
A masturbating disco queen who loves to explore kangaroos
A monstrous midget who loves to grope dinosaurs
A testicular punk who loves to infect women
A delicious behemoth who loves to punish coke junkies
A beautiful vixen who loves to control balls
A monkey-like foot worshipper who loves to philosophy with mufflers
A questionable peck who loves to laugh at hooters
A questionable lobster who loves to squeeze hot bitches
a fucking hot fish stick who loves to locate Ed Koch
A godly goddess who loves to hail-mary lizards
A godly stompslut who loves to orally explore dinosaurs
A miniscule solesmear who loves to flick hookers