What bones have you broken???

left clavicle (collar bone). i was racing to catch up with someone on a 10-speed bicycle when the chain came off the gear and jambed between the gear and the frame. feet came off the pedals and almost smacked the bar with my mouth. hit the curb and did a 2 1/2 gainer over the bars. missed the landing. those cement curbings can do some damage.

a bone in my right hand. got pissed at something/someone and punched a wall. hit the stud. i've been doing much better with the anger management issues since ;)

small toe right foot. running up the stairs when i slipped on the carpet (damn socks) and basically kicked the corner baseboard. that hurt worse than the other two.
No bones broken afaik. One time I hurt my foot when I slipped on some ice (I was like 10) but I didn't go to the doc for a bit cause we thought it was a sprain but when I went she x-rayed and said she couldn't tell if it had been broken or just chipped but either way it was healing on its own...
almost every finger, several in my foot & hand, my left arm-twice. Once when I was a real little kid my uncle, doing a headstand at my behest, fell on it as I was reaching to move a toy so he wouldn't fall on it & hurt himeself. The other time I was jumping over a pond on an motocross bike (RM125) and after about 16 jumps, I hit the rock that we should have moved before our first jump. The nexy day I was doiing wheelies down our street with one hand on the RM250 :D
When I was a little kid learning ot walk, I'd run laps around the marble coffee table. I fell and hit my chin on it a lot. I guess I broke off a back corner because to this day I've got a piece of what I think is bone floating there.
I stretched and nicked many a supportive tendon in my day from stuff like football, racketball, and some street baseball... but never broken a bone.
Always just toes and fingers. The top of my foot (falling up stairs) and both pinkies (attacked by a dresser - I got my revenge though, I threw it down the stairs and rejoiced in it's shattering into splinters) this summer right before I had to move.
Oh heck, not sure I can remember them all. Right ankle twice, left one three times (includes having them both broken at the same time), left wrist, collar-bone, tailbone, I think that's all. I also bent my left knee backwards ninety degrees once, much worse than any broken bone, and dislocated my right shoulder. And yes, as a matter of fact I can tell when the weather is about to change. :lol:
Luckily, no broken bones either. Even after I got hit by a car, went a flying a few feet and hit the pavement, I didn't break a thing.
Starya said:
A finger.

I blame it on the boy.
Since I have more time on my hand, I'll elaborate.

I was four and a half. He was 11 and hanging out with my brothers. I was deeply in love. They were demonstrating strenght by lifting up a heavy wooden chair, I believe the point was to hold it in a specific angle or something. Starya-logic kicked in: prove my strenght, impress the boy! :lloyd: Picked up chair, smashed finger, got a few stitches and a bumpy finger.

Oh Øystein, where art thou now?
i've never broken any bones, and this has always surprised me. i used to think it was because i had strong strong bones, but now i think it's just cos i'm really careful, i dont really do anything ever.
like, i tried to learn to skateboard but gave it up because my fear of falling made me stiffen up, and you need to be looser when skating. stupid cautiousness :(
after i posted that, i fell down the stairs, and as i lie there for a moment to see if i was ok, i thought, "after posting that on otc, wouldnt it be ironic if i broke my ankle?"
None... ever. ;)

I came close once, when I got hit by a car. The doctor said I only bruised the bone. :shrug: needless to say, I have a scar on my leg where I was hit.
ash r said:
after i posted that, i fell down the stairs, and as i lie there for a moment to see if i was ok, i thought, "after posting that on otc, wouldnt it be ironic if i broke my ankle?"

Hope you're okay .