What Carlos Santana is doing now

I own four ties. Three were designed by Jerry Garcia. Why shouldn't Santana design shoes? Maybe he's a closet foot fetishist. :D
Chic, I agree! I love Jerry Garcia ties! Very cool!

I love my Carlos's...but the sizes run like cheap shoes, I am a 9 in cheap shoes and a 9.5 in expensive shoes. I think I'll take them to my cobbler and have him put in heel pads to eat up the extra space.
I was selling a lot on eBay for a little while. There's a North Face outlet store near here that periodically has 60-80% off sales.

I'd pick up a bunch of things at these sales and make a decent profit often double or more) on them but the kind of movement Ihave needed to make anywhere close to my current wage would have meant completely overrunning my house in products if it was even possible.

Some automated drop-shipping would be nice.
I have a semi effective system to keep my house from being overrun with inventory...I am not winning the battle but I am keeping it in check...Poor Rob doesn't really have a closet anymore :ashamed:
Little does she realize that my male genetic encoding allows me to use random floorspace as pseudo closetry. Pile A is whites, pile B is darks, pile C is unknown... but not stinky enough to kick out for a wash.