What Carlos Santana is doing now

I misread the title and came in expecting to find out about a Carlos Mencia movie or something awesome like that.
Good for your feet!
I introduced Rob to red wing shoes...kinda bittersweet, though. We got a great deal on ebay but when they got here they were flawed and the seller was being a cock-knocker about it and I was afraid that if I mailed them back to him I would never see my money again...let this be a lesson to ya'll that if a seller doesn't accept Paypal payments you should probably not shop with them.
He likes the shoes though...flaws and all.
Yeah, my job pretty much requires spending considerable amounts of time and money selecting footwear.

I wouldn't want to be walking for 12 hours a day in crappy shoes.

Ideally, my Rockport sandals are the most comfortable footwear, but they are unusable at work, and unusable in the winter.

I don't have any problems with my heels, but I do get callouses on the sides of my big toes. I used to get blisters there all the time, like a few hours of hiking would do it, no matter what shoes I used. Now I'm walking a lot more, but the Rockports are very comfortable, so they're not like big or painful, it's just that the skin on the sides of my big toes is -very- thick.

I've been trying to find the same style around, just because mine are incrediably worn on the soles. Like, there was more tread on my old tires (the 15mph spin out ones) than there is on my shoes. I need to be careful on slippery floors because the soles are completely smooth, no tread at all.
17,000th post is a grammar apology. Come on, let's get some insight or something. Meaning of life? How many licks to the center of a tootsie pop? Something really deep for 18,000! :laugh:
You know what? I couldn't go to bed with that typo but I simply can't find where to change it. It's so darn backassward.
It was a question of where they were hiding the edit store header option. I found it...now I can sleep :D
By the way, it might seem a little stalker-y that I instantly know when you post, but I'm subscribed to this thread and I use my yahoo e-mail for OTC, and I have a yahoo messenger account in my Trillian, so I get a little popup that says "New Mail from [email protected]" and I get to hit the New Posts button real quick.