What did you have to read

I forgot Tale of Two Cities, that was more drawn out than a bad 4 hour movie, but because of the class I couldn't walk out on this one. That is the slowest book I've ever read.
Vortex said:
Um... we had to read some weird stuff... like geography textbooks! ;) :p

Okay, um....
Out of the ones that we had to read, there was (in order of what we read):
Julius Caesar
Much a do about nothing
Lord of the Flies
To Kill A Mocking Bird
The Wave
Romeo and Juliet

And as well as WAY TO MANY South African ones I choose not to remember (there were roughly 20 of them for English (on top of what we read above, and as well as another 20-25 Afrikaans ones we had to read *shudder*)

I used to enjoy the SA ones more than some of the others, but then I'm a geek & I love reading so I used to read the whole book instead of just the assigned chapters, alwayse peeved the teachers :shrug:

BTW, did you take Afrikaans as first or second language?
I dunno, I always thought that those SA books we had to read were so PC, or otherwise they were just so... so... very-much-like-an-old-granny-who-would-not-let-go-of-the-past-and-couldn't-get-over-themselves!


Just annoyed me, much more prefered the other books we had to read :)

As for Afrikaans, I took it as a second language, English is my first (even though it doesn't really show :p )
Yup, some of them were overly PC, made me naar. But then we had some rather good ones (written by black authors) that basically flew in the face of the whole post 1994 'democratic' bull and gave a whole different view - found that rather interesting.

I enjoyed André Le Toit's works (Koos Kombuis) - he's quite witty and takes the piss with the whole situation.

You did quite a lot of Afrikaans books for a second language!
Kombuis was just funny, he made it slightly bearable :)

I dunno why we had to read so many Afrikaans books though :( It was teh sux! I think I was just unfortunate enough to have to get all the teachers that REALLY wanted people to read Afrikaans...
*shrugs* I just think they were out to get me :p
Ah jeez. I'm probably going to forget a lot of the books I read for assignments in high school. Let me try to remember them all.

Cry the Beloved Country
Johnny Got His Gun
The Odyssey
Romeo and Juliet
The Catcher in the Rye
All Quiet on the Western Front
Great Expectations
some of Sinners In the Hands of an Angry God
Journey To the Center of the Earth
Farewell to Manzanar
The Hot Zone
The Human Comedy
Lord of the Flies
Lots of Edgar Allan Poe, like The Raven, The Masque of the Red Death, etc.

That's all I can remember from high school. I also read Fahrenheit 451 in 7th grade, and a lot of Michael Crichton's work on my own time during that time period (Jurassic Park, Lost World (basically Jurassic Park 2), Congo, The Andromeda Strain, Sphere, Disclosure and some other book with a title I can't remember and can't find on Crichton's web site).

One of my all-time favorites, although I never read it for a class, is Mark Twain's essay, Fenimore Cooper's Literary Offenses. Great reading. :D
AlphaTroll said:
LOL, must be! It's a conspiracy....us crusty dutchmen can like to take over the world through (mis)education :p

Okay, I just burst out laughing in the middle of the labs... I'm now slightly blushing...

*crawls under table to giggle some more*
*realises that this looks bad and goes back to seat*
I'm actually interested...
Most of you have read "To Cry the Beloved Country"

However I have not o_O

Rather odd given the circumstances :p
Vortex said:

Okay, I just burst out laughing in the middle of the labs... I'm now slightly blushing...

*crawls under table to giggle some more*
*realises that this looks bad and goes back to seat*

At D-Lab? I thought they were gonna close that computer room?

Well heck, at least you weren't in the student centre ;)
i forgot some: catcher in the rye (holden had some issues, man, but it was a good read), lord of the flies, the raven, the tell-tale heart, the odysseey, the iliad, beowulf (i loved this), pygmalion, the effect of gamma rays on man on the moon marigolds, watership down (we had our chose of a couple of ways we could do our final test on this, we just had to compare it to another work - i compared it to metallica's for whom the bell tolls....apparently my english teacher didn't have the requisite stick up her ass and gave me an A+...if you've read the book you should read these lyrics, gives a new slant to the song), and i can't remember any more at present.
When I was in grade nine, I had read most of the books on the curriculum already. My overly enthusiastic English teacher decided to "challenge me" and one of the books she assigned was something by Jean-Paul Sartre on existentialism.... I still have no clue what the hell the guy was on when he wrote it.

The next year I was placed in an advanced English class, where for the first time I could no longer impress my teacher with essays I had scribbled on the bus on the way to school. I actually had to *work* to get a decent grade in that class...which sucks when you're 16 and thinking about much more important things, like which stores will sell you alcohol...