What do you collect?


Staff member
The muscle car thread put me in mind of hubby's die cast car collection, I'm wishing I could post pics ( soon :D )

Myself, I collect old and new brand name tins, like they used to (and sometimes do now) sell products in. I have a collection of about 50 now, and really enjoy it. :)

What is your collection of?
what do i collect?

dust :D

i kinda tried to give up hoarding stuff seeing as i have enough paper, models, card, comp stuff etc to take up most of the flat. i do look for nice 50s, 60s and 70s shot glasses though, but i have a limited collection.
Paper and lots of it. (I can't throw old bills away-it drives my boyfriend crazy)

A friend gave me some Swarovski crystal a while back. Although I'd like to add to the collection, it's quite expensive. I haven't done anything with them yet.

I collect the new state quarters but I've fallen behind. I used to have to go to the bank for my job and my friend Mala at the bank would always tell me when a new quarter was put into circulation. I haven't gotten a new one in a while.

Other people collect green stuff for me. I've gotten every green product by Bath & Body Works, green coffee cups, green beanie babies (bunny/frog/bears), matchbooks, even green plastic balls from the kid's playground at Burger King. It's really nice because I always hear, "I saw this and I thought of you." :)
I saw this and thought of both Leslie and greenfreak:D

I don't collect anything at all

I used to collect all kinds of things, soda cans, matches, cigarretes packs, etc.....
MicroMachines Star Trek ships. They quit making them so it's harder to get any good ones now.
Hmm what haven't i collected? Basically anything I get into I start collecting. Fishing...have enough equipment to fish anywhere anytime anyplace.

Use to collect and play magic the gathering the card game cards.

Now I just collect computers, new ones that is. heh
Originally posted by sbcanada
You stole the plastic balls from the ball pit? :rolleyes:

Originally posted by greenfreak
Other people collect green stuff for me. I've gotten every green product by Bath & Body Works, green coffee cups, green beanie babies (bunny/frog/bears), matchbooks, even green plastic balls from the kid's playground at Burger King .

Perhaps you should read the whole paragraph next time when you're looking for something to roll your eyes at.

Originally posted by Gonz
MicroMachines Star Trek ships. They quit making them so it's harder to get any good ones now.
I love those things! :headbang:

It's a shame you can't find them around here anymore :(