what do you do when your b0r3d?

Its awesome to go out an' view the world aroun' me, from behind the windshield of the god of all off-road machines, ('least in my mind! *smile*), aka my Jeep!:D

I also love seekin' to capture the essence of who folks really are, from behind the lenses of my Minolta, (especially in black & white).

However, nothin' fulfills the passin' of time for me more than jus' bein' with the many special people God's placed in my life, (IE: my soon wife-to-be, my children, friends an' family), walkin' through the park, tossin' the football in the yard, or psuedophilosiphising an' solvin' all the worlds problems, or jus' gatherin' 'round the pool in the summer sun, cookin' out on the grill an' such.:)
read, sleep, watch a movie, listen to music, shower or take a bath, or sometimes go on a chat or something on the internet.
nalani said:
PuterTutor said:
Aunty Em said:
PuterTutor said:
I usually have sex, with the wife or alone, doesn't matter much.

Hmmm, how does the wife feel about that? :p

Sometimes I think she'd prefer I do it alone. :( At least I think that's what she means when she says Fuck off. Don't know. We've been having oral sex for the last couple weeks, we meet in the hallway, say Fuck you, and go on. It's not living up to what I thought Oral Sex would be, but she says it's as good as it gets.

aww man .. I seriously hope you're joking ... :(

Kinda, yeah.