what do you do?

abooja, i wish i was him. He's pulling in more than I. I should call him and say im his long lost brother, maybe he can get me a job. :)
staffrodore said:
Joiner or woodworker if thats how you prefer to call it.
I made cabinet doors for my bro-inlaw for a while, and I have several years
of experience at machine shop, so I always did the setup for the machines.
Joiner, routers, edgers, sanders...
It not a bad job at all. ;)
Hmmm almost the same as what I am doing now, I make doors, prehung for houses, interior and exterior doors. Plus the odd staircase, bookcase etc thrown in to keep me on my toes. I agree it's a great job if you dont mind the dust... AAACCHHOOOOOOOOOOO
Spirit said:
Documentation Control Specialist. We do work for the CIA (but if I told ya what, I'd have to shoot ya) and NSA and so on. High security data transfer and storage. YottaYotta. Really. That's my company's name.

I thought you lived in Canada?Alberta or Sask if I'm not mistaken.
HeXp£Øi± said:
I'm the Mayor of crazytown.
I didn't vote you in :eek6: :D

I tend not to hold a job for more than a year at a time but it has been customer services in a call centre just above minimum wage for the past 3 years. Only so I can get my ass back to uni, this year hopefully :)
samcurry said:
CHCR, the pay sucks. my review is 10 months late and I have to get "permission" when they screw up counts to fix it. Because the bean counters dont want to have drastic changes. then i have to put in writing what happened, who did it, why, and what i did to fix it. Its definately worse than telling a user where the "ANY" key is. :)

Man, it's like we're living the same professional life. Review? I've never had onein six and a half years. At least once a month I ask the powers that be, "Do you want the books to look good or do you want the inventory to be accurate?" Considering that my ultimate boss also owns the company, seems like a no brainer to me. I call it the "Crisis Reaction Management Method." Ignore all problems untis they become crises, then deal with them by running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. :shrug:

Last year I got pissed after not having a raise in two and a half years and started taking vacation days to interview for other jobs so they gave me another buck and a half an hour, but it's still not in line with what a network admin should make. I'm still looking, but without a degree the opportunities aren't that great.
I am the Basic Department Manager for the Walgreens down the street from me. Basically, except for December, I spend the entire year rebuilding the store's regular departments. It's kinda cool to be the only one to do it, I get to memorize the whole store without even trying.

hehe, I just realized that the only thing between my home and work is death: a cemetery.
Taught English/Language Arts to 7th graders for 30 years. And I'm still reasonably sane. Sort of. Maybe.

When a former 7th grader is elected to the school board and is signing your paycheck --- it's time to get out. So, I told them to "kiss my grits" and walked out the door. Haven't been back --- and have no intention of ever working in a school again.

Texas is getting so short of teachers, the Legislature changed the rules for retired teachers. If you retired before 2000, you can go back to teaching full-time, with no reduction in retirement! There is not enough money in the world to put me back in a classroom.
A.B.Normal said:
They outsource their CIA info/data to a different country?
Yeah, I used to know someone IRL who did that, and someone online from TO alluded to working for a company who did it too. Other similar stuff too, electronics for the shuttles and whatnot. Seems they outsource lots of the important stuffs up here :lloyd: