What do you think about Bill Cosby


Well-Known Member
Any Comments? I've always had a great respect for the man. Not just because he's funny but because of the stances that he's taken in his life and his successful status as a role model for men, fathers and all people.
I think he was (and still is) a wonderful actor. I like watching the old episodes of The Cosby Show every now and then. I have a good respect for him. :wink2:
I've still got a tape of an old stand up routine of his. One of the best comedians ever. :wink2:
He's a great comedian & a good actor & his politics don't concern me. As long as he keeps them out of the press.
Actually Gonz you say as long as he 'keeps them out of the press' but one could argue that his politics are more effective even than many politicians. Because of the way he lives his life(non-hypocritically) he tends to affect a great many people on a very deep level.
Even if I agreed with him 100% & that agreement extended to 100% of the time, he's still an entertainer. It's irrelevant. Martin Sheen shopuld shut up too. That's all I'm pointing out.
:confuse3: His illegitimate child and extramarital affairs are forgiven and his politics are respected, but Clinton's aren't?....Hmmmmm did somebody mention hypocrisy?
Reagan became a pol. It gets tiresome listening to people whose very existence is pretending suddenly becomeWorld Advocate for the Hungry & Sick Superman/Woman.
Many performers are extremely intelligent, articulant, and Knowledgable of those things which create good leaders. You can't turn them away simply because they weren't brought up as professional politicians...
Yup, I find it somewhat honorable when some of the intelligent ones use their fame for good.
Lke the rest of us, they have opinions. They also, by their very choice of career, have a spotlight that most do not have. When they speak of facts, it's often opinion. Our sheep culture bahs happily & agrees. Frequently, the facts are not correct. They are dispersing false or mis-directed information, or purely unadulterated political opinion. While that's fine for a board such as this, we usually back up what we say, it's spin. No more, no less.

Honest, intelligent, knowledgeable-probably. Is it in their job description to be media pundits. No. We have the Washington Post, the NY Times, USA Today, Time, Newsweek, etc plus the national, local & cable news for information. We have pols to ram us up the butt & tell us we lke it.

I've often wondered, who is Susan Serandon & Martin Sheen using for intel? It's apparently much better than the CIA, FBI, NSA & christ knows who else we have.

for the record Suiggy-Reagan can bite me. He was a fair leader (kicked shit out of communism) but did you notice, he never spoke when Nancy was drinking something. As far as the other part, he didn't have affairs in the Oval orrifice & stain some teenagers dress then point at me & bald faced lie about it.
Gonz said:
Lke the rest of us, they have opinions. They also, by their very choice of career, have a spotlight that most do not have. When they speak of facts, it's often opinion. Our sheep culture bahs happily & agrees. Frequently, the facts are not correct. They are dispersing false or mis-directed information, or purely unadulterated political opinion. While that's fine for a board such as this, we usually back up what we say, it's spin. No more, no less.

Sounds just like a politician to me....

Honest, intelligent, knowledgeable-probably. Is it in their job description to be media pundits. No. We have the Washington Post, the NY Times, USA Today, Time, Newsweek, etc plus the national, local & cable news for information. We have pols to ram us up the butt & tell us we lke it.

But you don't like the press either.... :confuse3:

I've often wondered, who is Susan Serandon & Martin Sheen using for intel? It's apparently much better than the CIA, FBI, NSA & christ knows who else we have.

They must use the press.... :D

for the record Suiggy-Reagan can bite me. He was a fair leader (kicked shit out of communism) but did you notice, he never spoke when Nancy was drinking something. As far as the other part, he didn't have affairs in the Oval orrifice & stain some teenagers dress then point at me & bald faced lie about it.

And where do you get your facts? She wasn't a teenager..... :D And who in the hell is Suiggy?
One more thing...Reagen looked us right in the camera and lied about the "arms for hostages". That, to me was much worse...The thought of arming our enemy and possibly causing Americans to die is highest treason. Having a trist with a consenting (albeit young) adult does not come close to treason.
On another nore Squig, people don't frown upon Clinton because of his affairs, they feel that way because he lied about them again and again and again. And then he lied on the stand and under oath. And he still lies. He's a compulsive lier. Like we're complete idiots and we're actually going to believe him if he can redefine the word is. Sickening. I can remember when all that was going on being angry at congress for wasting so much time on the guy and hoping to god the guy would just admit it and get it over with. I just got sick of it all. I did want him in office the first time around you know and i could forgive him for his affairs but since he didn't bother asking anyones forgiveness for any of it then i don't see why it should be extended to him.
All presidents lie, but none even came close to his compulsiveness.
A valid point, Hex. Which also applies to Reagen and Bush and Cheney with regards to the 'arms fpr hostages'. And like I said, that was an act of high treason.....punishable by death.