What do you think about Bill Cosby

i've never found bill cosby all that funny, i have respect for the man, but i've always classified his humor where along with jerry seinfeld and jeff foxworthy, kinda ho hum
I liked the Cosby show a lot and one of his stand up routines but after that, nothing he did really humored me. I saw him doing some show like "Kids say the darndest things" and it was really lame.

On the off topic topic, did you hear that Bono was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize? I don't know what kind of a shot he has, he's up against world leaders and the Pope. :D
ot- I've heard that Cosby bought the rights to "The Little Rascals" and all of Shirley Temple's movies and that he won't let them be seen again because he considers them racist. I've not verified any of it. Does anyone else know anything on this?
No. This is an old rumor. The fact that Cabin Fever has all of the talkies out on video pretty much disproves this.