What do you think about prison?

Nothing I said about Delancey Street contradicts anything you said. Am I duty bound to have 100% down the line extreme far left ideologies? No I am not. Some conservative ideas are good ideas in my opinion. Just not most.
Think about prison it's where your headed.

No you are not required to have any ideas
of your own, they are to be fed to you!
All that's required of you is that you regurgitate
them on command.
markjs said:
Nothing I said about Delancey Street contradicts anything you said. Am I duty bound to have 100% down the line extreme far left ideologies? No I am not. Some conservative ideas are good ideas in my opinion. Just not most.

This is sorta true.

The way "it oughta be" and the path of reality to get there has been so cluttered by the Dems and libby's that there IS NO POSSIBLE WAY to make that changes needed to adopt this wonderful change.

Every attempt to use this model of rehabilitation is met with legislation and bureaucracy that renders it useless an ineffective.

It is so bad that if a voting measure passed with 100% approval of the people to make this first choice of punishment, it would be illegal to do so according to current jurisprudence. (thanks to so many liberal grx like the ACLU).

Liberals have ham-strung the process thru judicial legislation. If your screaming liberal, you're part of the problem.
Prison is necessary to prevent people who've done violence from doing violence again. I do believe that anyone who has been wrongly sent to prison/jail/detention center should be paid $1,000,000 per day by the government that sent him/her there to cover the emotional distress and time that he/she had to go through staying there.

Yes prisons should offer education free of charge to those that want it. Many people in prison haven't had a good education and/or good parenting. So the government should remedy their special situations by giving them free education. I also believe that prison officials should teach prisoners all the laws ever passed so they'll know them that way when they get out they can have a good chance at not breaking them.

No, violent offenders should not be locked up alongside non-violent ones?

Drug offenses should be treated as a health issue. And I think that other victimless crimes such as riding without a seatbelt/helmet, prostitution, suicide/assisting suicide, should all be legalized. What about the rest of you?

I do support the death penalty only for those prisoners that want to be executed instead of being sent to prison. Such executions save government money on keeping them locked up in prison.

I think that prisoners should be allowed reasonable personal belongings like educational, family, religious, and entertainment. For all we know the prisoners could be innocent.

I think the real reason for the Drug War is to get as many people arrested and turned into felons as possible to revoke their right to vote. There have been times that law enforcement officials have wrongfully framed people and accused them for doing drugs.
A million bucks a day? Are you going to donate some of your powerball winnings to finance that one?