what do you think?

Nah Harry potter is still fair game... I think they should leave the "Star Wars Kid" alone though :lol2:
Kevin76 said:
Nah Harry potter is still fair game... I think they should leave the "Star Wars Kid" alone though :lol2:
um..kev? i believe that is prince harry in the picture....
Kevin76 said:
Hahahahaha... stupid me.... Ummm... he fair game too :lol2:
but he's just trying to be a kid. and everytime he screws up its big news. poor baby. his brothers a hottie, though...
think about all the dumb crap you did as a teenager, how would you feel if it was all over the news. how, mortifying....
Justintime said:
yea they should lead jhim alone! i'd hace btokem some bones if it iwas me and the hounded me like yhryu do him!

Are the keys starting to get all blurry?? :lol2:
ahhh...the poor filthy rich kid....he should know better. its not like that type of celebrity is unknown to the family....
Spot said:
ahhh...the poor filthy rich kid....he should know better. its not like that type of celebrity is unknown to the family....
but he's a kid...he doesn't have a choice about his celebrity.
he may not have his choice about the celebrity and he is still a kid but he's got no one to blame but himself. if he seriously thought the press was going to leave him alone, he must be delusional. i'm not condoning the press' coverage, just that someone like him needs to take more responsibility for his actions if he doesn't want every foible plastered everywhere.
Spot said:
he may not have his choice about the celebrity and he is still a kid but he's got no one to blame but himself. if he seriously thought the press was going to leave him alone, he must be delusional. i'm not condoning the press' coverage, just that someone like him needs to take more responsibility for his actions if he doesn't want every foible plastered everywhere.
i just thinking its a shame, alot to burden a child with. makes for a funny pic though, i gotta admit...
the social ramificantion of this great sin from aon of endgland is causing a disturbance.. ever kid emulates him and wants to assert themselves that theyu are are 'cool' as him, but alas theres only one harry pot ad his voice is breaking so watcxh out worlds!
Justintime said:
the social ramificantion of this great sin from aon of endgland is causing a disturbance.. ever kid emulates him and wants to assert themselves that theyu are are 'cool' as him, but alas theres only one harry pot ad his voice is breaking so watcxh out worlds!
er, right......